法王新闻 | 2001年04月


Press Statement of the Karmapa


2001年4月27日新聞發佈會 Press Meeting held April 27, 2001
印度喜瑪澤普拉代史,西巴利,上密院 at Gyuto Ramoche Tantric University, Sidbhari, Himachal Pradesh, India

His Holiness was permitted by the Indian Government to speak to the press and a press conference was held with the international press corps in attendance.

On December 28, 1999, under the cover of a dark night, my senior attendant and I escaped from my monastery in Tibet and fled to India to seek refuge. The decision to leave my homeland, monastery, monks, parents, family, and the Tibetan people was entirely my own–no one told me to go and no one asked me to come. I left my country to impart the Buddha’s teachings in general and, in particular, to receive the excellent empowerments, transmissions, and instructions of my own Karma Kagyu tradition. These I could only receive from the main disciples of the previous Karmapa, Situ Rinpoche and Gyaltsap Rinpoche, who were predicted to be my teachers and who reside in India.
1999年12月28日,在黑夜籠罩下,我和幾位貼身侍從,離開了我在西藏的寺院出走到印度。離開家鄉、寺院、僧眾、父母、家庭和西藏人民的決定,完全是我個人的決定。沒有人告訴我要離開,也沒有人叫我來此。我離開我的家鄉是為了弘揚佛法, 另一方面是為了接受噶瑪噶舉傳承深奧的灌頂、口傳和教授,這些我只能從上一世​​噶瑪巴的弟子得到,他們是大司徒仁波切和國師嘉察仁波切。他們兩位都曾被預言是我的老師,目前都住在印度。

There have been various reports in the press about my escape, and so I will simply and briefly tell the truth about my journey.

In great secrecy, my companions and I made our plans, using various stories to cover our true activities. For example, when the preparations were complete, I announced that I was entering a traditional, strict retreat and would not come out for some days. This story worked and prevented us from being pursued right away.


On December 28, around 10:30 at night, my attendant and I slowly climbed down from my room and jumped onto the roof of the Protector Mahakala’s shrine room. From this building, we leapt to the ground where a jeep was waiting nearby with Lama Tsultrim and a driver. We left immediately. The story had been given out that Lama Tsultrim and his companions were going on a journey. As if preparing for this, they had driven in and out of the monastery several times during the day, and, therefore, everyone knew about this trip and we could easily leave. Usually, the monastery was strictly guarded, but no twenty-four hour guards were posted and we also left through a side road.
12月28日,約晚上10:30分, 我和侍從從我房中悄悄地走出來,從窗口跳到瑪哈嘎拉護法殿的屋頂上,再從那裡跳下地面。一輛吉普車由喇嘛竹清駕駛已在等候。之前我們早已告訴大家,喇嘛竹清和他的朋友準備外出旅行。為了使人相信,他們在白天已進出寺院多次,所以大家都知道他們要遠行,因此我們可以很容易的離開。通常,寺院有嚴格的監控,但是並沒有24小時的警衛人員值班,而我們也選擇從一條邊路離開。

After a while, Lama Tsewang and another driver joined us at a designated place. We decided to head directly towards western Tibet since few travelers used this road and the check posts were not so strictly guarded. Driving day and night, we stopped only to change drivers. By taking back roads through the hills and valleys, we evaded check posts and two army camps. Through the power of my prayers to the Buddha and through his compassion, we were not discovered and arrived in Mustang, Nepal, on the morning of December 30, 1999. Continuing the journey on foot and horseback, we crossed over several passes and finally reached Manang as I had planned. This part was extremely difficult and exhausting due to the poor and often dangerous condition of the paths and the freezing cold weather. During this time, I was tired and not very well physically, yet despite the difficulties, I was completely determined to reach my goal.

Once in Manang, a close friend of Lama Tsewang Tashi helped us hire a helicopter. We landed in a place of Nepal known as Nagarkot and then went by car to Rauxal. From there, we traveled by train to Lucknow and continued with a rented car to Delhi, arriving at last in Dharamsala early on the morning of January 5, 2000. I went straight to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the very embodiment of compassion, and he received me with his great love and affection. My joy knew no bounds.


Ever since my arrival, the Dalai Lama has given his continual and generous assistance. Following his wishes, the Office of Religion and Culture from the Tibetan Government in Exile has made arrangements for my temporary stay at Gyuto Ramoche Tantric University. Situ Rinpoche, Gyaltsap Rinpoche, and other major Kagyu lamas, in addition to reincarnate lamas and followers from all the other traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, have come to visit and kindly shown their concern for my well being. This was a source of great happiness for me.
自從我到印度,尊貴的達賴喇嘛一直給我慷慨的支持。依照尊者的指示,西藏流亡政府宗教文化部安排我住在上密院(Gyuto Ramoche Tantric University)。大司徒仁波切、國師嘉察仁波切和多位噶舉上師,以及西藏各傳承的祖古和其弟子們也都來拜訪,並表示對我的關切,對此我感到非常地高興。

Pursuing my aim in fleeing Tibet, I am now receiving from Situ Rinpoche and Gyaltsap Rinpoche all the empowerments and transmissions of the Kagyu lineage that are possible under these present circumstances. Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche and other Kagyu masters are teaching me the treatises of the Buddhist philosophical tradition. In this way, I am preparing for my life’s work to teach and study Buddhism and to encourage compassion and wisdom within the hearts of all beings.

In 1959, my previous incarnation, HH the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, was also forced to flee Tibet and come to India as a refugee. He settled in Sikkim and, with the assistance of the Central Government and the State Government of Sikkim, he was able to build the Dharmachakra Center, Rumtek Monastery, which became the basis for his worldwide activity. It was venerated and famous everywhere as the main seat of the Karma Kagyu lineage. Therefore, HH the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Government in Exile, Tibetan people from all over the world, and the Buddhist community of India, in addition to almost all Kagyu lamas and members of their Dharma centers, consider it extremely important that I go to my main seat in Rumtek. They have made repeated requests that I be able to do so. From my point of view, going to Rumtek Monastery would be like returning home to continue the activity of my predecessor. This is why I consider it so important.

I am fully confident that I will be able to go there since Sikkim is a state of India. I am also confident that just as my predecessor did, I will be able to travel abroad to meet my numerous disciples and fulfill their spiritual needs. With this end in mind, I have submitted an application to the proper authorities.

I am especially grateful to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Government in Exile, and the people and Government of India, all of whom have shown great kindness and generosity in providing for my stay in India. With great appreciation and respect, I offer them my thanks.

In the past, the Gyalwa Karmapas did not engage in political activity and I can do nothing but follow in their footsteps. Concerning the future path of Tibet and the Tibetan people, I endorse and fully support everything that His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama stands for. Embodying universal love, compassion, and nonviolence, he is the supreme leader of Tibet and the champion of world peace and human rights.

Recently, HH the Dalai Lama and my disciples in Sikkim and the rest of India, in addition to disciples and centers abroad, made earnest and repeated requests to the Prime Minister, the Home Minister, and the Foreign Minister to grant refugee status to myself and those with me. After due consideration, the Indian Government decided to grant us refugee status.
最近,尊貴的達賴喇嘛和我在錫金、印度及全世界各中心的弟子們,都誠懇的向印度總理、內政部部長,外交部部長,請求他們給我和隨行的人「難民身份」 。印度政府經過考慮之後,決定給予我們「難民身份」。

With this new status, I was able to go on pilgrimage for five weeks, visiting major sites of Buddhism in the sacred land of India. In these places, I gave blessings and initiations according to the wishes of numerous disciples who came from near and far.

Today, many people from the media in the East and West have come here for this press meeting. I consider it a precious occasion and give my thanks to each and every one of you. I thought it was important that the world know the true story and my true purpose in coming here. This was not possible until now, however, due to circumstances beyond my control. I hope that after this press meeting today, you will sincerely help everyone to know the truth. Tashi Delek.