法王新闻 | 2002年09月

參加印度摩訶菩提協會(Maha Bodhi Society)的活動

His Holiness Karmapa made a brief trip through Kolkata (aka Calcutta) as part of a short trip from September 15 – 21

9月16日抵達加爾各答(Kolkata)參加印度摩訶菩提協會(Maha Bodhi Society)的活動,法王舉行了記者會。法王在記者會中表達他理解印度政府關於他回到印度錫金隆德寺法輪中心主寺一事的立場。



2002年9月17日,法王是印度摩訶菩提協會(Maha Bodhi Society)的貴賓,參加慶祝安那嘎里卡‧達摩帕拉(Anagarika Dharmapala)的138歲冥誕。安那嘎里卡‧達摩帕拉(Anagarika Dharmapala)於1891年創社,加爾各答的大乘菩提社於1915年成立。此社在加爾各答有出版社,禪定中心,學校,和社會福利單位提供如救護車服務,免費葬儀等等。

安那嘎里卡‧達摩帕拉(Anagarika Dharmapala)1864年在斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka)出生,畢生支持印度和世界佛教。透過摩訶菩提協會,印度政府終於承認大乘菩提寺是佛陀成道之地。他修復很多歷史遺跡,同時在印度確定菩提迦耶(Bodhgaya)等地為佛陀的聖地。安那嘎里卡‧達摩帕拉(Anagarika Dharmapala)也因在全世界弘揚佛法著名,他曾去日本、美國、英國、夏威夷、法國和義大利。

法王在加爾各答(Kolkata)也舉辦了「阿彌陀佛長壽法會」。 19日法王回到德里,21日回到上密院。

His Holiness Karmapa visits the Kolkata Museum in the company of museum administrators and the ever-present security force

Upon his arrival in Kolkata on September 16th for an event with the Maha Bodhi Society of India, His Holiness held a press conference. The Karmapa informed the assembled representatives of the press about his understanding of the government of India’s position with respect to the return of His Holiness to the seat of the Karmapas at Dharma Chakra Centre, Rumtek Monastery, in Sikkim, India.

Sikkim is one of India’s 25 states, and shares a border with China. Although the government has indicated that it has no objection to His Holiness going to Rumtek, first certain matters must be resolved. The return of His Holiness Karmapa to the traditional seat of the Karmapas is a very important occasion, historically and spiritually. Security must be adequate and extensive preparations must be made before His Holiness is able to safely go to Rumtek.

Although the timing of His Holiness’ arrival has to be fixed after all the proper arrangements are made, His Holiness has stated that he believes that he will be in Rumtek within two years.

His Holiness was guest of honor at a Maha Bodhi Society celebration of the 138th Anniversary of the birth of Anagarika Dharmapala on September 17, 2002. Founded by Anagarika Dharmapala in 1891, the Maha Bodhi Society in Calcutta was established in 1915. The complex in Calcutta has its own publishing house, meditation halls, schools, and a social service unit with an ambulance service and free dispensaries.

Anagarika Dharmapala, born in Sri Lanka in 1864, devoted his life to supporting Buddhism in India and around the world. Through the Maha Bodhi Society, he won government sanction for the recognition of the Maha Bodhi Temple as the site where the Buddha attained enlightenment. He restored a number of historical structures at the site and established new buildings honoring the Bodhgaya location as well as other sacred sites of the Buddha throughout India.

Anagarika Dharmapala was also internationally renowned for representing Buddhist causes, traveling to countries such as in Japan, America, England, Honolulu, France and Italy.

His Holiness also had the opportunity while in Kolkata to confer the long life empowerment of Amitayus. He returned to Delhi on the 19th and to Gyuto Tantric University on the 21st.