法王新闻 | 2002年09月


9月30日-10月4日,法王應尊貴的達賴喇嘛的邀請,參加在達蘭沙拉生命與心智研究所(Life and Mind Institute)主辦的​​研討會。此會議研究範圍是心靈和倫理,發掘佛法對現代物理學和生物科學的看法。今年的主題是生命和物質的準則。參與者包括麻省理工學院基因(Genome)研究中心主任,和1997諾貝爾物理獎得主史帝夫朱博士(Dr Steven Chu)。法王,教授們,科學家,和一些關心人士譬如李察基爾(Richard Gere)歌第韓(Goldie Hawn)都以觀察員身份參加。

From September 30-October 4, His Holiness Karmapa was a guest of HH the Dalai Lama at a conference hosted by the Life and Mind Institute in Dharamsala. The conference studies the issues of mind and ethics, exploring the relationship between modern physical and biological sciences Buddhist views. The discussion this year focused on the criteria of life and matter. Participants include the Head of the Genome Research Centre at MIT, and the winner of the 1997 Nobel prize in Physics, Dr Steven Chu. His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa, other Buddhist teachers, scientists and committed persons from other walks of life, such as actors Richard Gere and Goldie Hawn, were present as observers.