法王新闻 | 2003年02月


『Varanasi』Leading A Puja at the Dhamekha Stupa


时间:2003年02月16日 16th February, 2003
地点:印度 瓦拉纳西 鹿野苑 Dhamekha Stupa, Varanasi, Saranath, India

February 16th was the first full moon after the New Year, as well as the anniversaries of the performance of miracles by Sakyamuni Buddha and of the parinirvana of Marpa Lotsawa. The Karmapa observed these important events by leading ceremonies at the stupa in Sarnath where the Buddha first turned the Wheel of Dharma.

2月16日,藏曆新年後殊勝的佛陀之神變(Chotrul Druchen)月,堪千創古仁波切和非常多僧眾們陪同法王在佛陀初轉法輪的地方沙爾納特,鹿野苑大佛塔(Dhamekha Stupa)前主持誦念祈願大法會祈請文。

Sarnath, India, outside Varanasi, is one of the four most important pilgrimage spots marking the Buddha’s life, and is where the Buddha first turned the Wheel of Dharma at Deer Park.
