法王新闻 | 2006年11月
地點:印度 米麗寺
2006年11月2日,大寶法王噶瑪巴由德里國內機場搭機出發前往希哩古哩機場 ,於下午一點半左右抵達後,便由僧人所組成的金色迎接隊伍,以鼓、鑼、長號、鐃鈸等法器迎接至專車,機場還有西夢省各地區的佛教信 徒,人人持哈達與花在場迎接,並安排小學生擊奏鼓樂歡迎法王噶瑪巴的蒞臨。
法王噶瑪巴進入大殿之後,首先前往波卡仁波切的舍利塔,於塔前 ,獻上哈達與祈願,之後登上法座,接受僧眾們的身語意供養並給予信眾加持祝福。
2006年11月8日上午,來自全球各地信眾 ,好幾百人聚集於波卡仁波切之米麗寺,聆聽法王噶瑪巴所給予的「上師相應法」及「大手印」的修持要點教授。就在法王上課的同時,殿外天空中出現了一輪明顯的彩虹光圈。
2006年11月9日,法王噶瑪巴於清晨抵達附近有名的景點,從那兒可以遙望世界的第三高峰,海拔8598公尺的干城章嘉峰(majestic Kanchenjunga)。之後,法王返回米麗寺繼續昨天的課程,給予外國信眾弟子「上師相應法」的教授。下午,法王噶瑪巴、嘉察仁波切、及堪布東由仁波切為圓寂的波卡仁波切之舍利塔舉行安座典禮。嘉察仁波切也繼續昨天的課程,給予信眾們大手印、佛性、與菩提心的教授。
2006年11月10日,於米麗寺大殿舉行Cheme Phagme Nyingthig的長壽祈請法會,向尊貴的 大寶法王噶瑪巴獻供長壽曼達。法王噶瑪巴也繼續主持為波卡仁波切之舍利塔安座所舉行的時輪金剛法會。堪布東由仁波切為國際信眾開示了,尊者 波卡仁波切的一生事蹟。
下午,法王噶瑪巴也再次地與外國信眾們分享了尊者 波卡仁波切的生平故事。
法王噶瑪巴於下午一點,給予大眾長壽佛灌頂。來自西班噶、錫金、尼泊爾、不丹的虔誠信眾超過一萬4仟人參與灌頂法會。僅管中午炎熱的天氣,信眾們亦不減領受法王加持的熱情。整場法會的殊勝氣氛如同1996年尊者 達賴喇嘛於相同的地方所舉行的時輪金剛法會。
On October 31, 2006, His Holiness left Gyuto Tantric University with Gyaltsab Rinpoche and his entourage, first traveling to Chandigarh for a lunch with a government official, AGDP Joti. After an brief stay in Delhi, His Holiness on November 2nd flew to Bagdogra Airport in Siliguri, West Bengal, en route to Bokar Ngedon Chokhorling Monastery, where he is presiding over the third parinirvana anniversary ceremonies for the late Very Venerable Bokar Rinpoche. Numerous government, monastic and lay officials and representatives, as well as some 1,000 disciples, received His Holiness at the Bagdogra airport.
On the morning of November 8, 2006, at Bokar Monastery, hundreds of international students gathered to listen to His Holiness Karmapa give teachings on the essential points of Guru Yoga and Mahamudra. Simultaneously, outside the teachings hall, a large rainbow appeared above the mid-morning sun.
On November 9, 2006, His Holiness continued his teaching on Guru Yoga during the morning teaching session. In the afternoon, His Holiness Karmapa, Gyaltsab Rinpoche and Khenpo Lodro Donyo Rinpoche performed the consecration ritual for Venerable Bokar Rinpoche’s Stupa. Gyaltsab Rinpoche also gave teachings on Mahamudra, Buddha nature and Bodhicitta.
On Friday, November 10, 2006, Bokar Ngedon Choekhar Ling held Cheme Phagme Nyingthig Long Life prayers for His Holiness Karmapa in the main hall. Khenpo Donyo Rinpoche gave a teaching on the Namthar, the life story, of the great Master Bokar Rinpoche to the international sangha. His Holiness continued to preside over the consecration ceremonies for Bokar Rinpoche’s Stupa with a Kalachakra puja.
On Monday November 13, 2006, His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa received Mandala Offerings from Bokar Ngedon Choekor Ling. The procession of offerings included a mandala of precious substances, sacred texts, robes, numerous statues of the Buddhas, offering bowls and vases, and Tsok (sacral feast offering). Both the monastic and the lay sangha gathered to celebrate the offerings made to His Holiness, including Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Payu Tulku Rinpoche, Drupon Rinpoche, as well as monks from various monasteries who arrived earlier to pray during the four day consecration ceremony for Bokar Rinpoche’s stupa. In the afternoon, His Holiness met with the international students to share personal stories of the Venerable Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche.
Concluding his trip this year to Bokar Monastery in Mirik, His Holiness Karmapa gave Refuge Vows and offered the Green Tara Empowerment to the International sangha on the morning of November 14, 2006. On November 15, 2006, the Rumtek lay sangha arrived and gathered before His Holiness as he spoke of his aspirations for Rumtek, providing much spiritual support and inspiration to the residents. He conferred the Long Life Empowerment to the group in the morning and in the afternoon sat beside His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Bhayu Rinpoche and Khenpo Donyo Rinpoche to watch members of the Rumtek community perform a traditional opera, including Sikkimese and Bhutanese dances. – Tashi Paljor More . . .
2.11.2006 | Bokar Ngedon Chokhor Ling (Mirik) for 3rd Parinirvana anniversary of VV Bokar Rinpoche |
16.11.2006 | Kalu Rinpoche’s Monastery (Siliguri) |
19.11.2006 | Vajra Vidhya Institute (Sarnath) |
20.12.2006 | Terga Monastery (Bodhgaya) |
6.1.2007 | Vajra Vidhya Institute (Sarnath) |
0.1.2007 | Return to Gyuto Monastery in Dharamsala |
His Holiness Karmapa’s Fall-Winter 2006 tour continued as His Holiness visited the Siliguri, west Bengal, area on November 16-17. The Karmapa was greeted by devotees who had waited for hours along the National Highway 31A, the main highway and artery to the Himalayan State of Sikkim which houses the renowned Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre, the main seat in India of his Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje.
His Holiness traveled to Phodang at Salugara, the venue for bestowing the Abhisheka / Initiation (Long Life Empowerment- Tsewang ) to the general public, where more than 14000 devotees from West Bengal, Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan were gathered to receive blessings from His Holiness. Upon arrival His Holiness was first escorted to the main shrine hall in the Phodang where a Long Life Mandala Offering was made to him by representatives of the Himalayan Buddhist & Cultural Association, an organization representing members throughout the entire belt of the Himalayan Range.
The Karmapa stayed overnight at Droden Kunchab Chodey and in the early morning of the 17th, after an offering ceremony visited Sed-Gyud Buddhist Monastery, a monastery in the Gelugpa tradition. After a short visit to Men-Tsee Khang (home to Tibetan Medical and Astor Institute of the Exile Govt. of Tibet), His Holiness left for Bagdora Airport. His Holiness will stop at New Delhi for two days and then continue on to Varanasi. – Tashi Paljor and Karma Woser Rapten