法王新闻 | 2007年05月


Guyhasamaja Teachings from HH Dalai Lama (May 19-30)


地點:印度 上密院
報導:Tashi Paljor

5月19~30日,法王噶瑪巴及薩迦法王崔欽仁波切一同出席尊者達賴喇嘛於 達蘭沙拉大昭寺舉行的密集金剛密續灌頂教授。此教授活動超過2600人參加,包括2000多位出家僧眾及169位的外國信眾。 受法者必需之前已經接受過密集金剛灌頂者才能獲允上課。

Their Holinesses Gyalwang Karmapa and Sakya Trizin attended His Holiness’ Dalai Lama’s teaching and commentary on Guhyasamaja at the Tsuglagkhang. Over 2600 people attended the teaching, including more than 2000 monks and nuns, and 169 foreigners. To receive the empowerment, attendees were required to have already received the Guhyasamaja Initiation as a pre-requisite to these advanced teachings.