法王新闻 | 2007年12月
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 德噶寺 Tergar monastery, Bodhigaya, India
時間:2007年12月06日 06th Dec., 2007
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
编辑:Bamboo (10/03/2022)
On December 6th , the Gyalwang Karmapa presided over an examination of members of the sangha under a new code of conduct for monks and nuns, which is now mandatory for all members of the sangha attending Kagyu Monlam. The monks were examined by the Committee of Discipline Masters, appointed by His Holiness and headed by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.
The code of conduct focuses mainly on:
Later , in the evening, His Holiness called an assembly of all the monks participating in the Winter Retreat for Debate and Logical Study (Karmae Gonchoe), who are presently staying at Tergar Monastery. He personally instructed them on how to sit during prayers and how to recite the prayers with the correct melodies employing the properly concordant rising and falling of the voice, in preparation for the Kagyu Monlam Chenmo.