法王新闻 | 2008年01月


The Gyalwang Karmapa visits the sacred sites of Sarnath

地點:印度 瓦拉那西
報導:Karma Woser Rabten
攝影:Karma Woser Rabten

1月15日,法王偕同堪千創古仁波切及創古寺全體僧眾參拜位於沙爾那著名的達美卡佛塔,此是佛教導師─釋迦牟尼佛初轉法輪的地方。法王帶領僧眾念誦祈願文、獻供曼達及主持薈供等法會。除了僧眾之外,與會者還包括來自西藏、不丹、喜馬拉雅山區的虔誠朝聖者及外國信眾等。法王噶瑪巴在法會儀式圓滿後,三繞佛塔後前往Mulagandi Kuti Vihara。
15th January, 2008: The Gyalwang Karmapa visited the sacred sites of Sarnath, where our Teacher the complete and perfect Buddha turned the Wheel of Dharma. His Holiness first led Khenchen Yongzin Thrangu Rinpoche and the monks of the Vajra Vidya Institute in monlam prayer service at the Dhamekh Stupa. The service included mandala offering to the Buddha, the Aspiration for Noble Conduct and other prayers, and concluded with a feast offering. In addition to the sangha, many faithful devotees from Tibet, Bhutan, other Himalayan regions and foreign countries participated in the service. His Holiness circumambulated the stupa. After that His Holiness visited the Mulagandi Kuti Vihara, escorted into the temple by Ven. Sumedha Thero of the Mahabodhi Society of India.

Mulagandi Kuti Vihara是印度瑪哈菩提協會位於瓦拉那西沙爾那的寺院。蘇美達帖羅法師於大門口迎接,隨即陪同法王進入大殿。法王向主殿佛像敬獻哈達。在比哈的法師們用巴利語讚誦祈願文後,法王接著唸誦十二行禮讚文。蘇美達帖羅法師贈送法王一仿製 Mulagandi Kuti Vihara 的雕塑品及介紹寺院的歷史、創辦者 Anagarika Dharmapala的紀念品。
