法王新闻 | 2008年06月

Final Day of Public Events: Karmapa's Aspiration for the World


Sunday, June 1, 2008 reported by kagyuoffice.org and karmapavisit.blogspot.com

bestowing the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment
in Seattle, June 1, 2008

This morning His Holiness Karmapa gave the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment to a sold-out house of 2,800 at Seattle's Paramount Theatre, and in the afternoon taught on his song "Aspiration for the World."
2008年6月1日,上午,法王噶瑪巴於西雅圖 Paramount Theatre 給予觀音菩薩灌頂,約有三千人的信眾領受灌頂。在灌頂法會中,法王給予有關愛和慈悲的開示。下午,法王噶瑪巴也給予一場同樣是激勵人心的開示-『對世界的祈願』。法王以透過明了地球村所有成員都是相互依存的情況,來談拯救地球和尊重環境。

Because we need to depend on things and people other than ourselves for every benefit that we experience in life, Karmapa taught, our happiness is therefore connected to other beings and their well-being. However, our habitual "me and mine" mentality of self-centricity does not bring us happiness -- rather, the source of happiness lies in working for the benefit of others, since our own happiness cannot come from anywhere else.
法王說,在生命中,我們所經歷的每一個恩惠,除了自己之外,我們仍須要依賴外在的人事物,因此,我們的快樂也與其他人的安樂有關。然而,我們的習慣-『我』和『我的』,以自我為中心的心態並不能帶給 我們真正的幸福快樂,反之,快樂的根源是仰賴於真實地去做利益他人的事。

His Holiness Karmapa shared many personal stories from his own life to illustrate his teachings. Although the Gyalwang Karmapa is regarded by some as being a fully enlightened and faultless Buddha, nevertheless this has not prevented the Karmapa from experiencing hardship in life. The key, Karmapa said, is how we meet the hardships we encounter -- we can embrace hardships as opportunities to grow and think in different ways and create more benefit for ourselves and others. But often, we simply create a lot of negative "self-talk" about our situation that compounds more suffering onto the original hardship. We can learn to allow hardships to happen (since we cannot, in many cases, prevent them) but limit the self-talk about them.
法王分享了許多他個人的小故事藉以說明他所教授的觀點。雖然尊貴的法王噶瑪巴被認為是圓覺者-佛,不過這並不表示在噶瑪巴的生命中可以不須要經歷任何困難。重點是,法王說,如何面對我們所遇到的困難 。我們可以接受困境視同是一個給予自我成長的機會,以不同方式思考來為自己和他人創造更多的利益。但經常地,對於我們的處境,我們頃向於製造更多負面性的『自我對話』,使得在原本的困境中造成更多的痛苦 。我們可以學習允許困境發生但要對其負面性的『自我對話』有所制約。

Our minds, Karmapa said, often become like a motor that is always running at high speed -- but it does not always need to be running at high speed. Sometimes we need to shut down the motor and simply relax.

In the West we have experienced so many external advancements and technological benefits, yet we have also seen a corresponding increase of fear and suffering in people's minds, His Holiness said. This is related to our inability to cherish others -- our pattern of clinging solely to our own concerns, the habitual "me and mine" mentality. If we are not aware of how our happiness depends upon others and we do not work to benefit others, we end up with a society full of people who think only about themselves and act in ways that cause harm to themselves and those around them.
在西方,我們享有許多外在的進步和科技所帶來的利益,然而我們也看到了,伴隨而來的,在人們心中的恐懼和痛苦也增加了。法王說,這關係到我們無法去珍愛他人,我們只執著於我們所關心的人事物上,我們 只習慣於『我』和『我的』的心態。如果我們不明了我們的快樂是如何地與他人息息相關,而我們也沒有實際地去做利益他人的事,那麼我們將結束在一個完全只想到自己,自私自利,所做之事只會導致自他傷害的人 類社會。

His Holiness expressed his profound gratitude to everyone who has helped make his first visit to America possible, and said that he has been very happy during his stay here -- and said he didn't quite realize this until someone showed him some of the photographs from his travels here, and he saw that he was smiling in many of the pictures. The Karmapa said that this surprised him somewhat, as he does not generally smile a great deal. His Holiness said that his happiness during his travels in America came from the fact that everyone around him was also happy and smiling -- a further illustration of his teaching that our happiness depends upon others.
最後,法王表達他的衷心感謝,謝謝每一個提供協助使法王此次順利訪美的團體和個人。法王說,在整個旅程中他深深的感到歡喜,而這開心是連他自己都沒發覺的,直到有人給他看過一些之前的活動照片。當他 看到在許多照片中那笑的很開心的自己,法王說,『我自己也感到驚訝!平常我是很少有笑容的。』法王說,訪美期間他的開心和歡喜來自於一個事實,那就是他周圍的每個人也都是充滿著歡喜和笑容。而這也再一次 地說明了我們的快樂是與他人息息相關的教示。

Also in the afternoon, His Holiness granted a blessing audience to Seattle-area children and their parents.

The last event of the day was a farewell ceremony at Nalanda West at which His Holiness expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all who made his first visit possible. His Holiness expressed his great delight at what he commended as a highly successful and well-organized first visit. After thanking the government of India, the government-in-exile of Tibet, and the government of the United States, His Holiness expressed his sincere aspiration to return in a timely way to the United States so that he may continue fulfilling the wishes of his many students here.
今天最後的活動是在西方那爛陀所舉辦的惜別晚會。法王對每一位參與協助此次訪美的人,再次地表達他的衷心感謝!法王表示他非常的歡喜和讚賞首次的訪美行程有非常好的安排並且也相當的成功。在表達對印度政 府、西藏流亡政府和美國政府的感謝之後,法王也表達了他誠摯的希望在未來合適的時間下能再訪美國,如此他便可以繼續地實現許多美國信眾弟子們的期望。

在惜別晚會前,法王先到了一家中國餐館用餐。在用餐接近尾聲時,服務生端來了一盤幸運籤餅干,當法王伸手要拿那餅干時,法王感覺到裡面的籤詩應會與他下次來訪美國有關。於是,在惜別晚會上,法王讓英文翻 譯對著在場的賓客大聲地唸出,法王所抽到的幸運籤裡的內容:『你將造訪一個心中想念已久的遠方國度!』{YOU WILL VISIT A FARAWAY LAND THAT HAS BEEN IN YOUR THOUGHTS.}

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche presents a gift to
H.H. during the farewell ceremony
Audience members at the Seattle farewell
ceremony for H.H. at Nalanda West, June 1, 2008