法王新闻 | 2008年09月


HH Karmapa on Dharma Tour, Sept 7/08

地點:印度 上密院
報導:Tashi Paljor

法王噶瑪巴將啟程前往印度北方拉達克,展開一系列弘法行程。此次法王噶瑪巴應拉達克當地居民及佛教社團,(拉達克佛教協會、拉達克寺院協會、Mahey寺、Lahual Spiti佛教協會、Hargrang Rinchen佛教文化 傳統基金會和Kinnaur Bodh Mahasabha)等,之聯合邀請,預計停留拉達克近一個月的時間。法王噶瑪巴除了將前往拉達克主要的佛教聖地朝聖外,也將給予當地僧俗信眾佛法修持上的開示和灌頂的加持。此次弘法行程是法王噶瑪巴繼2001年的訪問後,再度蒞臨拉達克區域。法王噶瑪巴預定10月3日返回新德里。
His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa will be on a Dharma tour from Sept 8th to Oct 3rd, 2008. His Holiness will visit the region of Ladakh, Lahaul Spiti and Kinnaur. The visit was requested by the people and numerous Buddhist associations of those regions, (Ladakh Buddhist Association, Ladakh Gonpa Association, Mahey Gonpa Monastery, Lahual Spiti Buddhist Association, Hargrang Rinchen Buddhist Cultural Heritage Foundation, Kinnaur Bodh Mahasabha) His Holiness visited the Ladakh region in August 2001.His Holiness will be visiting most of the Buddhist pilgrimage areas and will carry out teachings and empowerments to those areas.