法王新闻 | 2008年09月

拉達克弘法活動報導 ─ 第四天

HH Karmapa in Ladakh: September 12, 2008

地點:印度 拉達克
報導:堪布秋竹 Report by Khenpo Chokdup. Translated by Tyler Dewar.
攝影:Karma Norbu


九月十二日, 早上10:00─12:40,法王噶瑪巴在瑪賀寺前廣場為6,000位僧俗二眾說法。法王開示:拉達克佛法弘傳的歷史悠久,至今依舊興盛,實屬難得之聖地;並提及佛法修持的精要─「諸惡莫作」偈文,以及 佛法的殊勝功德利益等等。之後法王為大眾摩頂加持,賜予金剛帶、藥丸等加持物品。
On September 12, 2008, from 10am to 12:40pm, His Holiness gave a speech in which he offered spiritual advice to a gathering of over 6,000 monastics and laypersons in front of Mahey Gompa. In his remarks, His Holiness praised the area of Ladakh as a place where the Buddhist teachings had long ago taken root and had not diminished to this day. He discussed the essence of Buddhadharma as relinquishing negative actions, performing positive actions, and taming one’s mind and encouraged all monastics and laypersons to practice the dharma, which is endowed with tremendous potential for benefit. After giving blessings and gifts to the members of the assembled audience, His Holiness departed to his quarters for rest.

瑪賀寺在第十六世噶瑪巴的囑咐下,由上一世竹本德慶仁波切興建於1970年。寺院地處山區,遠離塵囂,此次前來求法接受灌頂弟子,多來自20公里外的城市,有的甚至從100公里外的地區遠道前來。拉達克地方 政府為方便大眾求法,特安排十餘輛公車接送。
Mahey Gompa was founded in 1970 by the previous Drupon Dechen Rinpoche as directed by the previous Gyalwang Karmapa. As there are very few residential areas close to the monastery, many laypeople traveled distances ranging from twenty kilometres to 100 kilometres in order to receive His Holiness’s teachings and empowerments. To facilitate transportation, the government of Ladakh provided ten buses.

At 2pm, the locals offered His Holiness a show of song and dance.

At 4:30pm, His Holiness granted an audience and photo session to the eight primary local benefactors of Mahey Gompa. At 5:15pm, His Holiness visited the home of a local dignitary named Pentok and said prayers at his house. Afteward, he retired to his quarters at the monastery.