法王新闻 | 2008年10月


48th Anniversary of TCV School – Oct 28, 2008

地點:印度 達蘭沙拉
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor

Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) school of Dharamsala celebrates its 48th founding anniversary celebration on 25th of October. His Holiness Dalai Lama and Gyalwang Karmapa were invited by the school to attend the celebrations as chief guests.

西藏兒童村舉行盛大的慶祝活動。一整天的活動中,學生們表演精彩的文化節目、迷人的健美操表演,學校樂團也有令人印象深刻的演出。另外,其他藝術家及藝術團體也表演了傳統的西臟歌曲、舞蹈等藝文節目 。
TCV’s founding anniversary day was huge celebration event. The day-long celebration showcased children presenting colorful cultural programs, fascinating callisthenic display formations and an impressive performance by the school band. There were also traditional Tibetan song and dance performances by individual and group artists.

The actual event usually lasts for three days.

On the second day TCV School observed its 24th Inter- House Athletic meet which is an annual inter-house games and sports competition. The Gyalwang Karmapa was the chief guest for this program.

法王於上午八點五十分抵達受到校長們包括尊者的姊姊Jetsun Pema La 女士及所有師生們的熱烈歡迎。體育比賽一直持續到中午,The Songtsen House是今年的冠軍隊伍。
The Gyalwang Karmapa arrived at 8:50 am, he was heartily welcomed by all the students and heads of the school including Jetsun Pema La (His Holiness Dalai Lama’s sister) The athletic competition lasted until after lunch. The Songtsen House was the winner for this year’s competition.

法王噶瑪巴也針對競賽活動給予學生們開示,法王說到,在任何的比賽中都應當盡力做到完美,然而卻無需對比賽的結果感到沮喪。隨後,法王參觀學校的博物館,所展出的西藏傳統宗教文化展後,驅車返回上密 院。
Gyalwang Karmapa addressed the event mentioning not to be dismayed by any competition but to strive more to excel. Later he visited the school’s museum where they were displaying Tibetan Religion and Cultural after that he left for his residence.

總部設於北印度達蘭沙拉的西藏兒童村,於1960年正式成立,是藏族流亡社區最大的寄宿學校,為超過五十一個西藏社區的兒童提供就學場所。該基金會現已成為一蓬勃發展的機構,整合教育的社團,提供貧困的 西藏兒童和每年上百位從西藏流亡至印度的藏人學習機會。
Headquartered here in the Northern Indian town of Dharamsala, TCV is the largest residential school of the exiled Tibetan community and also one of the largest of its kind in India. TCV was founded in 1960 as a nursery school with over 51 Tibetan refugee children. The foundation has now become a thriving, integrated educational community for destitute Tibetan children in exile, as well as for hundreds of those escaping from Tibet in each passing year.

It has established branches in India extending from Ladakh in the North to Bylakuppe in the South. The educational foundation claims it has over 15,000 children under its care each year and has given education to over 50,000 students till date.