法王新闻 | 2009年10月
地點:印度 上密院 Dharamsala
時間:2009年10月06日 October 6, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
The morning began with a question and answer session.
Waste Management
上午的主題是廢棄物管理。Dr Anjan Kumar Kalia(為可再生能源諮詢師)在這個主題上作了一場清晰而全面的演講。他首先解釋了廢棄物的分類,並強調,廢棄物可以是問題,但也可以是財富。
The main topic for the morning was waste management. Dr Anjan Kumar Kalia (Him Renewable Energy Consultants) gave a clear and comprehensive presentation on waste management. He first explained the different types of waste and highlighted that although waste could be a problem it was also a wealth.
His then focused on vermi-composting which used kitchen waste, and bio-gas, which is produced from animal and human waste. The session concluded with questions from the audience.
The overall theme for the afternoon was Wildlife Protection
The Science of Conservation
下午的會議以Dekil Chungyalpa所講解的生物多元性作為開場,並由法王翻譯成藏文。她解釋了生物多元性這個術語如何適用於物種、基因庫、生態系統、與生態過程。
Dekil Chungyalpa began the session and talked about bio-diversity, and Gyalwang Karmapa translated into Tibetan. She explained how the term biodiversity refers to species, gene pool, ecosystem and ecological processes.
Human activity has had a devastating effect. Scientific evidence shows that, as modern human beings spread across the globe, many species became extinct. In the past it was due to hunting, more recently deforestation and destruction of habitat.
The ecosystem includes everything within a particular environment – the air, the soil, the temperature, the water flow and all living things. If something changes in the ecosystem, everything changes.
最後,Dekil 闡述了自然資源保護論者,如何致力於拯救生態環境和生物物種。
Finally, Dekil explained how conservationists worked to save ecosystems and species.
Wildlife Protection and the Illegal Wildlife Trade
野生動物保護和非法野生動物交易來自印度野生動物基金會的天津諾桑(Tenzin Norsang),講述了野生動物是如何因盜獵而絕種的。
Tenzin Norsang from the Wildlife Trust of India talked about how wildlife was being destroyed by poaching.
他首先以老虎為例。印度次大陸〈Indian sub-continent〉上的老虎的數量正在急劇下降,原因在於非法野生動物交易。在自然保護區裏,存在為獲取老虎肢體的盜獵行為,被獵捕的老虎肢體被走私運出印度,用於製造藥物和飾品。
He began with tigers. The tiger population on the Indian sub-continent is declining rapidly and the blame lies with the illegal wildlife trade. Tigers are being poached from reserves for tiger parts which are then smuggled out of India to be used in medicine and charms.
The chiru – a wild antelope in Tibet- is being killed by professional hunters for its soft, underbelly fur which is made into very expensive shahtoosh shawls.
One-horned rhinos in Assam are being killed for their horns.
Tenzin Norsang explained that the Indian Wildlife Protection Act threatened fines and imprisonment to those who broke the law. At the 2006 Kalachakra in Amaravati, His Holiness the Dalai Lama had spoken out against people wearing fur from endangered species, and this seems to have helped, but in 2009 the number of tigers killed had risen.
最後,他闡述了野生動物保護的工作比如建立大象保護廊道〈elephant corridors譯註﹕大象季節性遷徙與覓食有其固定的路徑,為保護象群免于車輛的傾壓,而特別規劃出的大象行走廊道〉,及要求大家尊重動物等。
Finally, he described work to protect wildlife such as creating elephant corridors, and asked everyone to respect animals.
The Future: Destruction or Protection?
The final presentation was given by the Gyalwang Karmapa who spoke about the importance of biodiversity. Biodiversity still exists and needs to be preserved. He read some Tibetan verses to illustrate how In Tibetan culture wildlife is often referred to and praised.
His Holiness paid particular attention to the role of the tiger in the ecosystem because so many monks had raised questions during this and the previous conference about the value of protecting such a terrible predator! Perhaps the world would be better off without the tiger.
Forests take thousand of years to form and are a rich ecosystem. Protecting the forests protects all the living beings within the ecosystem. The tiger is king of the jungle and protects the forest. The tiger regulates his behaviour. He eats 18 to 20 kilos of meat at a time, when he is hungry. If he kills a water buffalo, he can’t eat all of it at one sitting, but he will return again and again. He never wastes anything. Usually a tiger chooses his kill carefully from the sick, the old and the weak in the herd. Thus he has a role in maintaining the health of the herd. Though the tiger looks fierce, his life is short, perhaps between ten and fifteen years only in the wild. Humans, on the other hand, aren’t fierce but they live a long life and hunt a lot! The tiger has a range of 10 – 15 kilometres of forest, so he is preserving that area of forest.
Many people think the tiger is no good because it kills a lot. Similarly, in water, the shark is the tiger of the seas. Interest in sharks is growing because they are frightening, and people think the ocean would be better off without them. But by eating lots of fish, sharks maintain a balance in the ecosystem. Both tigers and sharks play important roles in their respective ecosystems.
Gyalwang Karmapa then explained how the food chain works. Plants need soil, sun, and water to grow. They are eaten by deer and rabbits, who, in turn are eaten by omnivores such as bears or carnivores such as the tiger The tiger dies and is eaten by the vulture. The vulture dies and rots and is eaten by the worms and insects who return the nutrients to the soil, so that the plants can grow. This cycle is like the cycle of samara, with both good and evil.
We regard our human life as precious, but according to biodiversity, all life in an ecosystem is precious.
There is a story of how the Lord Buddha in a previous life offered his body to a hungry tigress. If tigers are not important, why did Buddha offer himself to the tigress? She was starved and sick and she didn’t even have the energy to kill him, so Buddha cut his arm so that the tigress could drink his blood. Survival is very important to everyone, including tigers, and that’s why Buddha offered his life to save the tigress and her cubs.
In Thailand there is a place where monks and tigers live together. It began when a hunter killed a mother tiger and gave the cub to the temple. That cub died. Then the monks started rescuing orphaned cubs, because the South Chinese tiger is very rare, and now the monastery has 17 tigers. However, the monks are now trying to reintroduce the tigers into their natural forest habitat. Buddhism teaches that everything has been our mother and father. These monks have shown love to these mother sentient beings and so they have survived.
It is human nature to try to discover new things and to get benefit from everything. In Buddhist teachings, every sentient being wants happiness and wants to avoid suffering. The tiger eats meat but wants happiness. The earthworm also wants happiness, but we humans consider our own happiness to be most important.
His Holiness showed a slide of a tigress carrying her young cub carefully in her mouth, to contrast the image of the tiger only as a fierce killer.
法王接著講述了食物金字塔。老虎是上層的肉食動物,但金字塔下層的破壞,會威脅到金字塔的上層。由於全球暖化,老虎被迫改變了其自然的棲息地。當老虎改變棲息地時,那麼對整個環境也會造成負面的影響。 一切生物都是相互關聯,相互依存的,牽一髮而動全身。一切眾生都有生存的權利。 引介最新噶舉生態網站 法王已決定建立一個網站,用以介紹噶舉環保運動、環保工作細節、以及噶舉寺院和尼院的環保進展。此網站現處於最後籌備階段,因此與會人員受邀貢獻他們的意見與想法。
He then talked about the food pyramid. The tiger was the top predator, but damage lower down the pyramid which threatened the top. Because of global warming the tiger was being forced to change its natural habitat. When the tiger changes its habitat it has a negative effect on the whole environment.
All living things are interconnected and interdependent. What affects one, affects all in some way. All sentient beings have the right to live.
of the Kagyu centers for the environment
Introducing the New Kagyu Ecological Website
The Gyalwang Karmapa has decided to create a website which will feature the work of the Kagyu environmental protection movement and detail environmental work and development in Kagyu monasteries and nunneries. The website is in the final stages of preparation, so conference members were asked to contribute their ideas and views.