法王新闻 | 2009年12月
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 Bodhgaya
時間:2009年12月07日 December 7, 2009
報導:Jo Gibson
攝影:Karma Lekcho
正覺大塔的朝拜,向來是法王噶瑪巴在冬季菩提迦耶朝聖活動中,首要的公開活動。在隨行人員的陪同下,法王受到大塔管理委員會主席天津﹒南界先生(Tenzin Namzey)與住持潘德﹒察林達(Pande Chalinda)的歡迎。
This is always the first major public engagement of the Gyalwang Karmapa’s winter pilgrimage to Bodhgaya. Accompanied by his entourage, His Holiness was received by the Secretary of the Mahabodhi Temple Committee, Mr Tenzin Namzey, and the Monk-in-Charge the Venerable Bande Chalinda.
Having completed an outer circuit of the temple grounds, His Holiness went directly down the main steps to the central shrine room within the Mahabodhi Stupa to pay homage. Having prostrated three times, he made offerings to the golden image of the Lord Buddha, housed within the inner shrine , and chanted prayers. As is the custom, the offerings included a new set of golden silk robes for the Buddha image. His Holiness then circumambulated the innermost circuit.
緊接著,法王拜訪了正在菩提樹下舉行的第五屆國際巴利文三藏唱誦法會(International Pali Tripitaka Chanting Council Ceremony)。在場有來自孟加拉、緬甸、柬埔寨、印度、寮國、尼泊爾、斯里蘭卡、泰國、以及越南共九個國家的南傳佛教代表。在分隔正覺大塔和週邊廣場的石柵欄之外的佛塔中圈,各國代表在各自的指定區域內,樹立起具有本國佛教文化風格的帳篷。此外,大會並設有一個國際帳篷,供藏傳佛教的僧尼們使用。來自印度和孟加拉的僧人代表,則坐在菩提樹前的兩旁。
His Holiness moved on to visit the 5th International Pali Tripitaka Chanting Council Ceremony, which is taking place under the Bodhi Tree. Theravada Buddhists from nine countries – Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam– are represented. Each country has an area allocated at a point along the middle circuit which runs outside the stone palisade separating the Mahabodhi Temple from the temple grounds. Most have erected tented pavilions laid out and decorated to reflect the Buddhist traditions of their respective cultures. There is also an International pavilion housing monks and nuns from the Tibetan traditions. Monks representing India and Bangladesh sat to either side in front of the Bodhi tree itself.
法會的主要功德主之一——寧瑪派上師塔湯仁波切(Dhartang Rinpoche)的女兒汪嫫蕾絲(Wangmo Lags)親自迎接法王的蒞臨,並陪同法王參觀了各國帳篷。法王向每個帳篷都獻上哈達,並供養了「種子基金」(具德上師的財供養,對事業的成就有極大的加持);各國代表也回贈法王一套該國編輯的巴利文三藏經典。
Wangmo, one of the chief sponsors, daughter of the Dhartang Rinpoche of Nyigma lineage, welcomed His Holiness and escorted him on his tour of the pavilions. His Holiness offered a katag and gave ‘seed money’ (a financial offering from a High Lama which carries great blessings for the success of an enterprise) at each of the pavilions and then was presented with an edition of the Pali Tripitaka published according to that country’s traditions.