法王新闻 | 2010年02月


Presided a puja at Dalai Lama's Temple


時間:2010年8月21日 August 21, 2010
地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 大乘法苑 Tsuklag Khang temple, Dharamsala

His Holiness led a special prayer at Tsuklag Khang temple in Mcleodgunj.

Hundreds of devotees including Tibetan Government officials, monks, nuns, and lay followers came to pay their respects and express their condolences and sympathy towards the victims and families of those affected by the natural calamity in the Drug Chu Zong area of Tibet. The calamity occurred on the 8th of August, 2010.
包括有西藏流亡政府官員、僧俗二眾等上百位的信眾出席此法會祝禱,對8月8日在藏東舟曲(Drugchu Zong)山洪泥石流中的罹難者與受難家屬,表達衷心的哀悼與同情。

The prayer lasted two hours. All the attendees made deep prayers and were touched by the presence of His Holiness who was leading the prayer.

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