法王新闻 | 2010年12月


『28th Kagyu Monlam』A Short Speech On Politics And Religion



時間:2010年12月20日 1:30-3:00pm 20th Dec., 2010
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 正覺大塔 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhigaya, India




Providing context for the practice session, His Holiness first gave a talk on Dharma and politics, or religious and secular affairs. The Tibetan term ‘si’(སྲིད་) that in this context denotes politics, more generally describes a way of bringing about short- and long-term benefit to a society or country. His Holiness noted that the Tibetan term ‘si’(སྲིད་) also means length. In its wider sense, this term ‘si’could also apply to the Dharma, because the Dharma aims to bring about long-term benefit to society.



During the reign of the three Dharma kings of the Tibetan imperial period, the Tibetan people were ruled according to the Dharma. Later generations too prospered due to the prior rule of the Dharma kings, who sought to apply principles of Dharma in their governance. Citing the well-known line of verse stating that all phenomena are impermanent, His Holiness noted that times have of course changed greatly since then. The relation between religion and politics itself has undergone many changes over the years, and there have been periods of growth and contraction. Within Tibet, there was great fluctuation, as was the case also in Tibet’s relations with neighboring countries.



In today’s more difficult times, it is incumbent upon us as Dharma practitioners to reflect on what course of action would be beneficial and consistent with the Dharma, and what would not. When we analyze historical situations when there was great decline, we ought to consider the role that abuse of power played in bringing about those difficult times. In the past several decades, Tibetans have faced unprecedented sufferings and hardship, and hundreds of thousands of Tibetans have been forced to leave their homeland. Today, Tibetan culture and the Tibetan way of life are at high risk of disappearing forever.


Nevertheless, Tibetans are extremely fortunate in that they continue to be led by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Tibetans continue to place their trust and hopes in him as their leader. Many other Tibetans—and indeed people of many countries—are working for peace and harmony between Tibet and China, the Gyalwang Karmapa noted, and have not been overwhelmed by purely political motivations. His Holiness the Dalai Lama in particular is not pursuing any partisan aims, nor does he merely promote Tibetan interests. Rather, he is working for the well-being of Chinese as well as Tibetans, so that Chinese and Tibetans can live together for many generations in mutual respect, joined as one large family.


It is important not to overlook the long history that links China and Tibet. Whereas Tibetans looked up to Indians as Dharma teachers and adopted appropriate relationships with Indians on those terms, by contrast Tibetans saw Chinese as cousins or brothers. Thus whether or not we can establish relations of mutual respect and harmony between Chinese and Tibetans depends on our own cultivation of love and compassion.


The Gyalwang Karmapa noted that Tibetans in Tibet harbor great hopes and make great aspirations that His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other great masters will one day be able to return to Tibet and re-establish a time of peace and harmony.


Stressing the importance of making requests and invoking the activity of Chenrezig, as well as Padmasambhava and the emanations of Chenrezig, White and Green Tara, the Gyalwang Karmapa cited a verse about Chenrezig’s commitment to care for Tibet:

To the north of Bodhgaya in the east,
You have the land of the kingdom of Tibet.
You have high peaks as pillars supporting the sky,
You have white snow forming crystal stupas.
You have summers beautified with turquoise blooms.
O, Chenrezig, Protector of this land of snow,
In this place you have your disciples.

At the same time, His Holiness stressed that the crucial factor determining whether we have peace and harmony is our mind. If we succumb to negative tendencies, and just criticize others and feel annoyed with one another, it will be very difficult to fix the situation, he cautioned.



His Holiness also observed that in this holy place of Bodhgaya, we may only appear to be making aspirations for happiness, but in fact we are preparing ourselves to put these aspirations into action. Thus it is important to begin with aspirations, the Gyalwang Karmapa concluded.

Spiritual teachers as well as sponsors and government officials form the key conditions that allow the Dharma to flourish. For that reason, the Gyalwang Karmapa asked all those assembled to make sincere prayers for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as well as all masters of all traditions. In India, Bhutan and throughout the Himalayas where people practice Tibetan Buddhism, these masters are the only place they can turn for guidance. Thus it was important to offer strong aspiration for their wishes to be fulfilled and their activity flourish. We should put on the strong armor of courage, His Holiness said, and make even stronger aspirations that all people be free of the sort of terrible difficulties and problems they have faced in this life and that in their next life they connect swiftly with Chenrezig.




Don’t just chant the words, His Holiness urged the assembly. Chant with your hearts, he said. Even if no feeling comes, at least reflect on the meaning as you say the words. This is important, he said. Our chanting should not be left on the level of mere words.



The recitation of prayers began with the seven-line supplication to Guru Rinpoche, which was repeated 21 times, followed by praises to the 21 Taras three times. Next were prayers for the flourishing of the Dharma of all traditions, and then long-life prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Sakya Trizin, Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche and the various Kagyu masters.

Just as His Holiness had exhorted, as thousands of voices uttered fervent aspirations for the well-being of Tibet and its spiritual leaders, thousands of hearts were chanting too.


