法王新闻 | 2014年02月


『Bodhgaya』Joins Bihar Chief Minister in Celebration of Bodh Mahotsava

༄༅།། སངས་རྗེས་དྲན་གྱི་མཛད་སྒོའི་སྐུ་མགྲོན་གཙོ་བོར་ཆིབས་སྒྱུར།།་


時間:2014年2月4日 4th February, 2014
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 Bodhgaya, India

His Holiness participated today in the opening of the Bodh Mahotsava 2014, a three-day cultural festival commemorating the 2,600th anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni’s enlightenment here in Bodhgaya.

Chief Minister of Bihar, Mr Nitish Kumar, welcomed His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa and saluted tourists and pilgrims from all over the world for their presence in large numbers in the city of enlightenment.
比爾省省長尼逖旭.庫瑪(Nitish Kumar)歡迎法王噶瑪巴的蒞臨,並向不遠千里而來的大量遊客和朝聖者致敬。

He then lauded the constant improvement in the Mahotsava format and the increasing level of participation of cultural troupes from abroad to make it a truly international event.

Bodh Mahotsava, the much-awaited cultural event jointly organised by the tourism department of the state government and the district administration, began on a positive note on Tuesday evening with the organizers offering the right mix of Indian and foreign cultural menu.

Performing artists from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, Bhutan, Myanmar and South Korea made presentations of their popular culture on stage.

This year the event coincides with Basant Panchami signaling the arrival of the moderate spring season. Spring season and the Buddha’s teachings have at least one thing in common, and that is moderation and absence of extremism in thought, action as well as environment.
今年的「菩提慶典」剛好與妙音佛母節(Basant Panchami)同一天,正式宣告冬去春來的消息。春天和佛陀的法教至少有一個共通點,那就是在思想、行為和環境上皆溫和而不偏激。

The event, held on the Kalachakra grounds, attracted over 8,000 people, including representatives of various embassies, national delegates and local attendees.

Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, Dilgo Khentse Yangsi Rinpoche and Dudjom Rinpoche were present, among other dignitaries.
怙主達龍哲珠(Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche)、頂果欽哲仁波切的轉世(Dilgo Khentse Yangsi Rinpoche)、敦珠仁波切(Dudjom Rinpoche)以及其他知名人士亦在場觀禮。
