法王新闻 | 2014年12月


『2nd Animal Camp』Instigates a Second Animal Camp in Bodhgaya

༄༅།། དུད་འགྲོའི་རིན་མེད་སྨན་བཅོས།

图片来源: Layjang Vol.10

時間:2014年12月02日 02 Dec., 2014
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 祈願會場 Monlam Pavilion, Bodhgaya, India

减轻动物的痛苦 Relieving the suffering of animals

His Holiness’s vision is to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings. He urges everyone to extend their compassion to include animals, and insists that compassion needs to be translated into action.

At the time, the Karmapa commented, “Humans have often treated animals badly. I have the great hope that we can decrease that, and that an understanding that animals are members of our family in this world can spread everywhere.”

That first camp was very successful, and so His Holiness directed that a further veterinary camp be organised in conjunction with the 32nd Kagyu Monlam. The animal camp is being held from 2-8 December, 2014 at the Kagyu Monlam Pavilion, Bodhgaya.


This morning, the Karmapa visited the camp, accompanied by Sri Sunjay Kumar Agarwal, A.I.S., the District Magistrate and Collector of Gaya District. During an informal discussion, the D.M. asked His Holiness to include the town of Gaya in this year’s programme, and His Holiness agreed.
這天清晨,法王在地區行政官員桑傑.庫瑪( Sri Sunjay Kumar Agarwal)的陪同下,巡視了動物義診營。兩人私下會談時,庫瑪詢問法王,今年是否能將服務範圍擴展到迦耶地區,法王欣然同意。

图片来源: Layjang Vol.10

Together they walked through the camp, asking questions of the staff and watching various procedures underway. In the first room they witnessed two dogs being prepared for surgery and saw a demonstration of ultrasound equipment. In the operating theatre, three vets were already operating on three dogs, and, outside, in separate compounds, woozy animals lay recovering from the morning’s surgery, while others awaited their turn.
