法王新闻 | 2015年03月

『美国行』加州 • 参观谷歌總部

『US Tour』California • Tours Googleplex


時間:2015年3月16日 16th March, 2015
地點:美國 加州 硅谷 山景城 谷歌總部 Googleplex, Mountain View, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.

The first stage on his official tour of the United States brought His Holiness the Karmapa to Silicon Valley in California. Appropriately enough for a 29-year-old Buddhist leader who does not shy from making effective use of technology to spread the Dharma, the 17th Karmapa spent the day at Googleplex, touring its facilities, taking a ride in its prototype driverless car and giving a talk to Google staff in the afternoon.

His Holiness arrived mid-morning at the sprawling campus of Google’s global headquarters on Mountain View, California, known affectionately as Googleplex. Google often appears at the top of the list of best companies in the world to work for. The company encourages mindfulness practice among its employees, and the initial phase of the tour focused on the company’s extensive wellness services.
法王在上午抵達位於加州山景城(Mountain View)的谷歌全球總部,而這個建築群蔓延的總部被暱稱為「谷歌園區」(Googleplex)。在全球最適合任職的公司的名單上,谷歌經常名列前茅。谷歌鼓勵員工運用覺知力,而法王首先參觀的設施,便是該公司照顧員工身心安康的多項服務。


During his visit to Google, His Holiness the Karmapa was hosted by Chade-Meng Tan, who is Google’s resident champion of personal growth and author of the book Search Inside Yourself. Meng showed His Holiness around Google’s yoga halls, fitness centers and meditation rooms, which employees are encouraged to use at any time, and fielded the Karmapa’s numerous questions about Google’s practices to promote wellbeing among its staff.
負責接待法王的谷歌代表陳一鳴先生(Chade-Meng Tan),是在谷歌內部推動心靈成長的總教頭,著有《搜尋你內心的關鍵字》(Search Inside Yourself)一書。他帶著法王參觀谷歌的瑜伽廳、健身房、禪修室等,這些是谷歌員工任何時間都可以使用的設備。針對谷歌提倡員工安樂的措施,法王提出許多的問題,而這些問題也由他予以回答。


The personal tour of Google’s facilities snaked from building to building, past a car outfitted to photograph street level for inclusion in Google Maps.

Bamboo:2012年夏天,第一次去印度时,遇到的那个自称为大宝工作的台湾单亲妈妈——佳佳,跟Bamboo和妙如这两个大陆人士说:法王派她去西藏看看 环境污染状况,但是最好有大陆的身份证。国内做家具销售的妙如立刻回答:出国都没带身份证。Bamboo是个反应迟钝的女人,都没理解这句话的意思。过了一年后,才想到, 是在问Bamboo和妙如借身份证。于是,扼腕叹息,没把握住帮大宝的机会。再多年后,才想到,如果当时真把身份证借了,就要大难临头,成间谍了。(2025年01月13日)


Next, His Holiness arrived at a facility with a wrap-around, multi-screen display of Google Earth. As his host was taking him on a virtual tour of the Grand Canyon, the request was made to view Tibet as well, and His Holiness’ sister and other members of the entourage drew near to watch. As they zoomed from aerial view and came close to ground level, and then wound their way over a pass and into the valley where Lhasa is located, the 17th Karmapa himself took the controls to move around Lhasa.



Following a lunch with key Google staff, the Karmapa was offered the opportunity to ride in Google’s state-of-the-art driverless car. He and his sister accepted the invitation and were given a rare chance to experience this fledgling technology.

Bamboo评论:记得也是那个时候,Bamboo看国内的新闻,说百度的李彦宏,在高速上试坐他公司研发的无人驾驶汽车。这两家国内外的对头公司为什么要做同样产品的研发?连进度都一样!最后, 做出来都不发布。却是一天都没做过汽车研发的马斯克直接生产了电动智能车?而且,还是蛤蟆精的上海送了他地、送了他厂房,帮从来没来过中国的马斯克批量生产电动智能车、帮他卖。



Bamboo2000年后工作过两年的东信网络工程部,是帮移动和联通公司做手机基站的网络优化和规划的软件的。部门年轻女总(30岁不到)虽然不懂技术, 但很好说话。Bamboo这个毫无经验的菜鸟就跟着另一个没啥经验也申请调去了开发组做开发的女生,去做了一小段时间的软件开发。

每个人编写一个模块的代码,最后由组长集成到一起,提交给技术总监;总监再分发给测试部门;通过后投入运行:路测——收集数据什么的。 部门女总也刚跟联通和移动谈下来几个大单,部门整体很赚钱,内部氛围也很和谐。

东信集团下属“集团公司”(国企)和“股份公司”两块,网络工程部隶属以盈利为主的“股份公司”这块。但突然之间,部门女总和股份公司下面另一很牛的部门年轻女总,都被 一夕之间踢出整个集团。紧接着,部门女技术总监、女组长也被逼走,无奈去了刚进军中国的诺基亚。应该是Bamboo走后不久,部门就被彻底整垮,员工都做鸟兽散。

高价从国外买来,自己又不断开发、改进的优化软件和规划软件、电子地图、几部卫星手机都没人管了。但听说有个项目组男同事手上有整套的软件, 离职后就兜售给移动和联通,并用它继续给这两公司做网络维护,发了大财。


A Google staffer involved in the Karmapa’s visit to Google commented that when she was putting in the application for him to be able to ride in the Google Self-Driving Car, she was told she might as well not bother, since it had been many months since any applications had been granted. However, she tried anyway, only to receive the enthusiastic response that certainly His Holiness the Karmapa would be most welcome to experience the car.


After half an hour riding around campus in a car with no driver, the vehicle discharged its passengers at their final destination at Googleplex—the hall where His Holiness was to speak to Google staff. The talk was livestreamed to Google offices around the world. Google will upload this talk in the next few weeks to its Talks at Google page on youTube.
這輛無人駕駛的汽車帶著法王遊覽園區。半小時後,車子將法王送抵終點站——法王即將向谷歌員工發表演說的演講廳。法王的演說透過現場直播,傳送到谷歌全球各地的辦公室,而演講的錄影將在幾週後上載至YouTube,公眾可以透過「谷歌演講」(Talks at Google)頻道觀看。

Coming soon: A detailed report on His Holiness the Karmapa’s talk at Google and links to a video of the talk.



『US Tour』Arrives in San Francisco