法王新闻 | 2016年06月


『Love and Compassion in Action』Thanksgiving Takes Many Forms

時間:2016年6月25日 June 25, 2016
地點:印度德里凱悅飯店 Regency Ballroom of the Hyatt Hotel– New Delhi, India
主办单位:香港噶玛巴千诺基金会与香港13个噶瑪噶舉中心聯合主辦 Karmapa Khyenno Foundation coordinated width 13 Karma Kagyu Dharma centers in Hong Kong


噶瑪巴千諾基金會(Karmapa Khyenno Foundation)德里連續四天的請法活動,在今晚的宴會中達到高潮。掌聲雷動中,法王從庭園大門進入宴會廳,於中央主桌入座。基金會主席喇嘛達華(Lama Dawa)首先致詞感謝法王慈悲的加持和教誨,接著感謝16所佛學中心的成員捨棄自他分別,日以繼夜和睦共事。

The final evening of the Delhi teachings saw a festive dinner to celebrate the four days of teachings and express thanks to all who had made the event possible. To the sound of applause, the Gyalwang Karmapa entered the dining hall through the garden door and took his seat at the central table. The Chairperson of the Karmapa Khyenno Foundation (KKF), Lama Dawa, gave heartfelt thanks to all who had helped, starting with His Holiness who bestowed his compassionate blessing, and including all the members of the sixteen Dharma centers who worked very hard night and day and in great harmony, leaving behind a sense of separation between self and other.


Youtube 视频

Love and Compassion in Action』Questions and Answers