法王新闻 | 2017年05月


Visit the Peace Pagoda on the River Thames

時間:2017年5月20日上午 May 20, 2017
地點:英國 倫敦 巴特錫公園 Battersea Park, London, England

在前往於英國的首場開示的途中,法王造訪並加持位於旺茲沃思(Wandsworth)泰晤士河畔(the River Thames)的和平塔(Peace Pagoda)。和平塔所在之地屬於倫敦的布萊特自治鎮(Brighter Borough)。

旺茲沃思的市長克里爾.吉姆.美登(Clir Jim Madden)偕同夫人,穿戴著象徵市長權位的金黃色領鏈,恭候法王的蒞臨。在這之前,附近的日本山妙法寺(the Nipponzan Myohoji)分院住持究若.那伽希(Gyoro Nagase)及一位日籍尼師,合力與一群藏人在會場架設起一座小型供壇與一個古色古香的香爐,藏式和日式的燃香在早晨清冽的空氣中裊裊生起。


這座以深色木材和白色大理石所建的莊嚴佛塔,1984年由日本山妙法寺的創辦人藤井日達(Nichidatsu Fuji)贈送給倫敦。經常被他的好友甘地(Gandhi)稱為「古儒吉」(Guruji)的藤井日達曾說:「文明不是為了要殺人,也不是要壞物,或是製造戰爭;文明是要讓我們互重互愛。」這段話中提到的關愛和尊重,正是法王今天開示的主題。

On his way to teach for the first time in England at the Battersea Evolution, the Karmapa stopped to bless the nearby Peace Pagoda, located on the River Thames in Wandsworth. It is known as the Brighter Borough of London.

The mayor of Wandsworth, Clir Jim Madden (reelected just yesterday) and his wife were present in their impressive regalia of golden mayoral collars or chains of office. Before their arrival, the head monk of the nearby temple, Reverend Gyoro Nagase, and a Japanese nun, both of whom belong to the Nipponzan Myohoji tradition of Japanese Buddhism, joined a group of Tibetans to prepare the site. They set up a small alter with an antique incense burner, wafting Tibetan and Japanese incense into the cool morning air.

When the Karmapa arrived, these personages were the main ones to welcome him. The sounds of Japanese chanting and the pulse of two circular flat drums accompanied the Karmapa as he moved down the line of well-wishers and climbed the marble stairs to the second level of the pagoda. He circumambulated its core three times, pausing along with the monk and nun in all the four directions at the tall alcoves, enshrining gilt-bronze statues of the Buddha.

In 1984, this elegant, dark-timbered and white pagoda was offered to London by the Ven. Nichidatsu Fuji (founder of Nipponzan Myohoji), whom his close friend Gandhi affectionately called “Guruji.” The Reverend has stated, “Civilization is not to kill human beings, not to destroy things, nor make war; civilization is to hold mutual affection and to respect one another.” These two qualities of affection and respect turned out to be central themes of the Karmapa’s teaching today.

11天英国行剪辑影片 Karmapa London 2017
