法王新闻 | 2017年05月


Visit Cambridge University

時間:2017年5月24日 May 24, 2017
地點:英國 劍橋 St Catharine’s and King’s College, Cambridge, England

法王今日從倫敦出發,北上前往舉世聞名的劍橋大學參觀訪問。法王此行主要由國際佛教聯盟(International Buddhist Confederation)的環境與保育秘書長芭芭拉.瑪斯(Barbara Maas)負責接待。

法王首先出席在劍橋舉行的一場學術研討會,討論動物的感知力和福利科學(animal sentience and animal welfare science),乃至這門科學對人與動物的關係,以及人類對待動物的方式的重要性。

劍橋大學獸醫學系從獸醫轉為動物福利學家的莫瑞.寇克博士(Murray Corke)和彼得.弗戴思博士(Peter Fordyce)為法王進行簡報。

法王在國王學院受到院長麥可.普羅克特教授(Prof Michael Proctor)、國王學院附屬禮拜堂的主任史提芬.雪瑞博士(Dr. Stephen Cherry)的歡迎。此外,在場迎接法王的其他資深學者還包括蒙古與內亞研究中心(Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit)主任暨大英帝國勳章得主卡諾琳.杭菲瑞教授(Prof Caroline Humphrey DBE)、社會人類學系的西藏專家喜德噶.迪姆伯格博士(Dr. Hildegard Diemberger)、來自不丹的野生動物保育專家倫督.達欽(Lhendup Tharchen)。尊貴的阿圖仁波切(Ato Rinpoche)及其夫人也在場迎接。

Today His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa left London and travelled north to Cambridge, a city whose name has become almost synonymous with its world-famous university. The Karmapa’s visit to Cambridge was hosted by the International Buddhist Confederation’s Secretary for Environment and Conservation, Dr Barbara Maas.

His Holiness’s day in Cambridge began with an academic seminar on animal sentience and animal welfare science, and their significance for our relationship with and treatment of animals.

Veterinarians turned animal welfare scientists, Dr Murray Corke and Peter Fordyce from the University’s Department of Veterinary Medicine, provided His Holiness with background about ...

Following the seminar, His Holiness’s party took a short walk to King’s College, which was founded in 1441 by Henry VI and is one of 31 colleges in the University of Cambridge. Like the university itself, the College has an outstanding academic record, a strong tradition in research and counts many Nobel laureates among its present and past Fellowship. His Holiness was welcomed by the Head, or Provost of the College, Prof Michael Proctor, the Revd Dr Stephen Cherry, Dean of King’s College Chapel, and other senior academics, including Prof Caroline Humphrey DBE, Director of the University’s Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, Tibet expert Dr Hildegard Diemberger from the Department of Social Anthropology, and Lhendup Tharchen, a wildlife conservation expert from Bhutan. Also present were Ven. Ato Rinpoche and his wife.

11天英国行剪辑影片 Karmapa London 2017
