法王新闻 | 2018年09月

A Stupa for the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa in the American Heartland

地点:美國 伊利诺伊州

After reaching out to disciples all over the world with his teachings, empowerments, and the brilliance of his presence, His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, Rigpe Dorje, passed away in the American International Clinic in Zion, Illinois on November 5, 1981.
在全球弘法之行中,開示佛法、傳授灌頂,以莊嚴法相收攝具緣弟子後,第十六世法王噶瑪巴日佩多傑於1981年11月5日,在美國伊利諾州 沃茲沃思市 錫安城的美國國際診所示現圓寂。

For Buddhist practitioners, the area where a great lama chooses to pass away is filled with blessings, and so it becomes a place of pilgrimage. Just as Kushinagara, the site of the Buddha’s parinirvana, is visited by pilgrims from far and wide, the Karmapa Center 16 was created to provide a site for those wishing to honor and receive the blessings of the 16th Karmapa.
佛教傳統中,偉大上師示寂的地點具有極大的加持力,並因而成為聖地,例如佛陀入滅的拘尸那羅,便是世界各地佛教徒朝拜的聖地,而第十六世法王紀念中心(the Karmapa Center 16)標記第十六世法王在美的入滅地,讓信眾得以憶念、禮拜,並獲得加持。

These days, ten acres of classic American prairie also encompass a farmhouse and outbuildings. The land will be home to a stupa (representing the fully awakened mind), a temple, and retreat housing. Rigpe Dorje had encouraged the building of stupas, as they are not only the focus of practice and blessings but also benefit the environment and living beings while serving as a protection from natural disasters.

In June of 2015, the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa visited Illinois and performed a ground blessing ceremony for a stupa on the land.

Recently, on August 30, the Karmapa returned to the center where Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and members of the center greeted him with a traditional tea and rice ceremony.

The next day, they all came to be with Karmapa who conducted a smoke offering known as Riwo Sangchö to benefit the area. The Karmapa also planted an evergreen tree on the land, and afterward a beautiful sun halo appeared above in the sky.
翌日,法王帶領大眾進行〈淨山煙供〉(Riwo Sangchö)修法,以加持周遭環境;在法王親手種下一棵常青樹後,天空出現彩虹日暈的吉祥徵兆。

In the late summer evening, the Karmapa shared a dinner on the lawn with the two Rinpoches, Wadsworth Mayor Glenn Ryback, members of the Board Trustees, local friends, and supporters.
傍晚時分,法王一行便在草地上享用原野晚餐,除了陪同的兩位仁波切外,沃茲沃思市市長格藍.瑞貝克(Glenn Ryback)、董事會成員,當地的法友和護持者也是座上賓。

On the following day, the Karmapa visited the center once more to give advice about the project before returning to the East Coast.