法王新闻 | 2019年2月

[Tibet Sun]: New Delhi successful in alienating Karmapa

By Lobsang Wangyal
KOH PHANGAN, Thailand, 31 January 2019

Lobsang Wangyal

Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the 17th Karmapa, in his New Year message to millions of his followers around the world, wished them good health, peace, and contentment. “I pray that in the year ahead we will all strive together in harmony and unity for the welfare of the earth and for the sake of all sentient beings,” he said. He released this message from Germany, although he is now based mostly in the US.
第17世噶玛巴邬金钦列多杰在向全世界数以百万计的追随者致新年贺词时祝愿他们身体健康,安宁,满足。 他说:“我祈祷,在未来一年,我们将团结一致,为了地球的福祉,为了众生而团结一致。” 他从德国发布了这条消息,尽管他现在主要在美国。

In March last year, he obtained citizenship of the Commonwealth of Dominica, an island country in the Caribbean (not to be confused with the Dominican Republic, a different country also in the Caribbean near Haiti.) Since acquiring his new citizenship, he travels without restrictions, and meets with anybody who comes to see him.
去年3月,他获得了加勒比海岛国多米尼克的公民身份(不要与多米尼加共和国混淆,这个国家也是海地附近的加勒比海地区。)自获得新的公民身份以来,他没有旅行 限制,并与任何前来见他的人见面。

Before coming to the US in May 2017, the Karmapa’s every move was watched by Indian security agencies, and he was living under virtual house arrest. India held that he was a Chinese spy. A cash seizure was made from his office in Dharamshala in 2011, and the fact that Chinese Yuan were among the currencies found was used to substantiate India’s claim. There were currencies of 25 countries which had been offered to the Karmapa by his devotees over the years, totalling 6.5 crore (65,000,000) Indian rupees (approx 915,000 US dollars). His office was unable to deposit any of it in the bank due to the refusal of the Indian government to issue a Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA) certificate for him. This seized money was never returned to him.
在2017年5月来到美国之前,噶玛巴的一举一动都被印度安全机构监视,他生活在虚拟软禁中。 印度认为他是中国间谍。 2011年,他在达兰萨拉的办公室查获了现金,而人民币被发现的货币被用来证实印度的索赔。 多年来,他的奉献者向噶玛巴提供了25个国家的货币,总计6.5亿卢比(65,000,000)印度卢比(约915,000美元)。 由于印度政府拒绝为他颁发“外国出资管理法”(FCRA)证书,他的办公室无法将任何存入银行。 这笔扣押的钱从未归还给他。

The Karmapa’s dramatic flight in 2000 from Chinese-occupied Tibet to India captured the world’s attention, and was a massive slap in the face for China. He said that the reason for his escape was to prevent China using him against the Dalai Lama.
2000年,噶玛巴从中国占领的西藏到印度的戏剧性飞行引起了全世界的关注,对中国来说是一次巨大的打击。 他说,他逃跑的原因是阻止中国利用他对抗达赖喇嘛。

Enthronement of the 17th Karmapa 17世噶玛巴的认证

When the current 14th Dalai Lama was enthroned in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa in 1950, China did not dispute this. But it wasn’t China who had the authority to recognise the Dalai Lama. The process of recognising the lamas is a traditional one, conducted by his followers, not by non-believers or foreign governments.
当前的第十四世达赖喇嘛于1950年在西藏首府拉萨登基,中国对此没有异议。 但是,中国没有权力承认达赖喇嘛。 承认喇嘛的过程是传统的,由他的追随者而不是非信徒或外国政府进行。

In 1992, Tai Situ Lama, the head of the search party for the new Karmapa, following instructions given to him by the previous Karmapa, located “Apo Gaga” (the child who was the reincarnation the 17th Karmapa) in eastern Tibet. Feeling certain he had found the new Karmapa, he informed the Dalai Lama, who confirmed and endorsed Apo Gaga as the 17th Karmapa. Apo Gaga was then enthroned as the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje at Tsurphu Monastery in Tibet, the traditional seat of the Karmapa, when he was seven years old.
1992年,新噶玛巴搜索队的负责人大司徒仁波切按照前任噶玛巴给他的指示,在西藏东部找到了“阿波嘎嘎”。 他确信他找到了新的噶玛巴,他告诉达赖喇嘛,达赖喇嘛确认并支持阿波嘎嘎为第17世噶玛巴。 阿波嘎嘎成了西藏楚布寺(噶玛巴的祖寺)的第17世噶玛巴邬金钦列多杰,当时他是7岁。

Apo Gaga himself did not claim to be a Karmapa. He was recognised to be the Karmapa by the authorities in his lineage. As with the Dalai Lama, his enthronement was also not disputed by the Chinese government. It is absurd that he is called a “claimant” by those who only have vested interests, but lack even the most basic awareness about the Tibetan culture and issues.
阿波嘎嘎本人并没有声称自己是噶玛巴。 当局在他的传承中被确认是噶玛巴。 与达赖喇嘛一样,他的坐床也没有受到中国政府的质疑。 荒谬的是,他被那些只有既得利益者,甚至缺乏对西藏文化和问题最基本的认识的人称为“声称者”,。

Constitution says India is a secular country 宪法规定印度是一个世俗国家

The recent statement by an unnamed “source” in Indian government quoted in Indian media, that the Government of India doesn’t recognise Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the 17th Karmapa, is in essence immature and senseless. Does India have the mandate to install a lama? Is it even constitutional to proclaim who is, and isn’t a religious leader? Could the Government of India decide who could be a baba (guru) or not? By this logic, then would the Pope need Indian government’s recognition in the future? For the unnamed “source” to give his verdict when the matter is sub-judice in Indian court is a matter of contempt of court. These are some issues, but now they are almost irrelevant given that the Karmapa doesn’t live in India anymore.
最近印度政府利用一位未透露姓名的“消息来源”的声明称,印度政府不承认邬金钦列多杰为第17世噶玛巴,实质上是不成熟和毫无意义的。宪法规定 印度是否有授权指认喇嘛? 宣布谁是,谁不是宗教领袖? 印度政府能否决定谁可以成为根本上师? 按照这种逻辑,那么教皇将来是否需要印度政府的承认呢? 对于未具名的“来源”在印度法院审理此事时判决是一个藐视法庭的问题。 这些是一些问题,但现在它们几乎无关紧要,因为噶玛巴不再生活在印度。

Having been born in China-occupied Tibet, and accepted by Beijing as the 17th Karmapa, wouldn’t India be interfering in China’s internal affairs (after all, India recognises Tibet as a part of China) by questioning his position as the Karmapa? Ogyen Trinley Dorje is now a citizen of Dominica. Could India decide the future of the citizens of another country? These are some other issues the “source” quoted by the Indian media has no awareness of.
出生在中国占领的西藏,并被北京接纳为第17世噶玛巴,印度不会干涉中国的内政(毕竟印度承认西藏是中国的一部分),质疑他作为噶玛巴的地位吗? 邬金钦列多杰现在是多米尼克的公民。 印度能否决定另一个国家公民的未来? 这些是印度媒体引用的“来源”没有意识到的一些其他问题。

Ogyen Trinley Dorje has been recognised as the 17th Karmapa by the Dalai Lama, the supreme spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, by the Central Tibetan Administration, and by 99% of the Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet. He doesn’t need any other or more recognition. He is the legitimate throne holder of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetans in exile welcomed him with full reverence as he joined them in their quest for a free Tibet. Since then it has been he as the Karmapa who has participated in official functions, NGO events, media interviews, or personal guidance of the majority of Tibetans in exile.
邬金钦列多杰被西藏中央政府以及西藏内外99%的西藏人认定为西藏人民最高精神领袖的达赖喇嘛确认为第17世噶玛巴。 他不需要任何其他或更多的认可。 他是藏传佛教噶玛噶举派的合法领导人。 流亡的西藏人在加入他们寻求自由西藏的过程中充满敬意地欢迎他。 从那以后,他一直作为噶玛巴参加官方活动,非政府组织活动,媒体采访或大多数流亡藏人的个人指导。

By seeking citizenship of Dominica, the Karmapa has clearly shown that he has no interest in gaining control of Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim, which again much of the Indian media seemed to think to be the traditional seat of the Karmapas. It is not. Tsurphu Monastery in Tibet is. It was built by the first Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa in 1159, becoming the original headquarters and the traditional seat.
通过寻求多米尼克的公民身份,噶玛巴清楚地表明他没有兴趣控制锡金的隆德寺,印度媒体似乎也认为这是噶玛巴的传统所在地。 但它不是, 西藏的楚布寺寺是。 它由第一个噶玛巴于1159年建造,成为最初的总部和传统的法座。

Rumtek monastery in Sikkim (which is close to an old monastery built in the 1700s under the direction of the 12th Karmapa Changchub Dorje) became the exile seat of the 16th Karmapa in 1966 after he fled to India from Tibet via Bhutan. For this reason, Rumtek Monastery has great historical significance, particularly given the fact that it was once under independent Buddhist kingdom of Sikkim (later to become an Indian state in 1975). The Indian court is now free to decide about the future of Rumtek monastery, as Ogyen Trinley Dorje has left India.

Tibetan refugees in India 在印度的西藏难民

The Karmapa’s decision to get a travel document needs to be read in the context of the life of Tibetan refugees in India. In a statement in November to his devotees, the Karmapa said that he had sought citizenship of Dominica to make it easier to travel. He travelled out of India with a document called Identity Certificate, (popularly known as the Yellow Book, because of the colour of the cover of that document). This document enables a Tibetan living in India to travel abroad. What the officials, like the “source” and the Indian media, don’t seem to know is the enormous difficulties associated with travelling on this document, as well as many other problems such as land-grabbing by local Indians of land allocated to Tibetans, discrimination against Tibetans by locals, increasing resentment towards Tibetans, unemployment among Tibetans, and more.
获取旅行证件的噶玛巴的决定需要在印度西藏难民生活的背景下阅读。 去年11月向他的追随者发表的一份声明中,噶玛巴说,他已经寻求多米尼克公民身份,以便更容易旅行。 他带着一份名为“身份证书”的文件(通常称为黄皮书,因为该文件封面的颜色)走出了印度。 该文件使居住在印度的西藏人能够出国旅行。 官员,如“消息来源”和印度媒体,似乎并不知道与此文件有关的巨大困难,以及许多其他问题,例如当地印度人掌握分配给藏人的土地, 当地人对藏人的歧视,对藏人的不满情绪,藏人的失业等等。

A Yellow Book is issued to a Tibetan if that person is holding a Registration Certificate (RC), another document which is the stay permit for Tibetan refugees in India. The problem is that it takes at least a year, or years in some cases, to get the Yellow Book. Once it is processed, the holder needs an “exit permit” to leave the country. To process this may take weeks to months, and often involves shelling out thousands of rupees to Indian officials. Then, there is the need for a “return visa”, which follows the same procedure as the “exit permit”, and again involves wasting a lot of time and shelling out thousands of rupees.
如果该人持有登记证(RC),则向藏人发放黄皮书,该证书是印度西藏难民的居留许可证。 问题是,在某些情况下,获得黄皮书需要至少一年或几年。 一旦处理完毕,持有人需要“出境许可证”才能离开该国。 要处理这个问题可能需要数周到数月的时间,而且往往需要向印度官员支付数千卢比。 然后,需要一个“返回签证”,遵循与“出境许可证”相同的程序,并再次涉及浪费大量时间并炮轰数千卢比。

The hardships related to the Yellow Book don’t end here. Even the Indian immigration officials often have no clue what is the Identity Certificate, let alone officials of other countries. Facing harassment is common at the immigration in Delhi. Overseas, a Yellow Book holder is brought out of the queue, causing embarrassment and discomfort in front of other travellers at the immigration gate. The holder is usually released after some questioning and confirmation. Many have wished that the Government of India change the name of “Identity Certificate” to “Travel Document”, which would make a lot more sense. But that hasn’t been done, and may never happen. For the officials concerned, it’s not their problem, and they don’t care.
与黄皮书有关的艰辛并没有在这里结束。 甚至印度移民官员也常常不知道什么是身份证,更不用说其他国家的官员了。 面对骚扰在德里的难民中很常见。 在海外,一名持黄皮书的人被排除在队伍外,在入境口岸的其他旅客面前引起尴尬和不适。 经过一些询问和确认后,通常会释放持有人。 许多人希望印度政府将“身份证明”的名称改为“旅行证件”,这将更有意义。 但这还没有完成,也许永远不会发生。 对于有关官员来说,这不是他们的问题,他们也不在乎。

Tibetans prefer to get the job done with the rupees rather than complain, as there is nowhere to bring this issue up, nor are any officials dealing with Tibetans at all interested (or who even try to understand the matter). Officials like this “source” who think they know the Tibetan issues and problems well, may not have any knowledge about such matters, or, again, would not be interested in understanding these issues. They must surely know that there are now only about 60,000 Tibetans living in India as compared to 90,000 according to the 2009 census of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). This number would gradually shrink as the exile community naturally disintegrates against such odds and existential threats. They don’t know the real reason why. The Karmapa’s statement that he sought passport of Dominica to ease travelling problems could be used by the Government of India to reassess the situation of Tibetans in India.
西藏人更喜欢用卢比来完成工作,而不是抱怨,因为没有任何地方可以解决这个问题,也没有任何官员与西藏人打交道(或者甚至试图理解这个问题)。 像这个“消息来源”的官员认为他们很了解西藏的问题,可能对这些问题没有任何了解,或者,再也不会对理解这些问题感兴趣。 他们肯定知道,根据中央西藏管理局(CTA)的人口普查,现在印度只有大约6万名藏人,而2009年有90,000人。 随着流亡社区自然地解决这种可能性和生存威胁,这个数字会逐渐缩小。 他们不知道真正的原因。 噶玛巴声称他寻求多米尼克护照以缓解旅行问题,可以被印度政府用来重新评估印度藏人的情况。

Making travelling easier was indeed a good reason by the Karmapa to leave India — but could it also be the distress he felt for all these years with a “Chinese spy” tag, restrictions in travelling and meeting people, being confined to a two-room accommodation? It well could be all these causing him suffocation that led him to decide to leave India.
噶玛巴离开印度确实是让旅行变得更加轻松的一个很好的理由 - 但也可能是这些年来他所感受到的“中国间谍”标签,旅行和会见限制,被限制在两个房间的困扰 住所? 很可能是所有这些导致他窒息的因素使他决定离开印度的。

Benefits of spying for China 间谍对中国的好处

If the Karmapa was truly a Chinese spy, that would make the CTA, the Dalai Lama, and all the Tibetans who revered him complicit in this spying, as they recognize and support him to be the Karmapa. After 18 years, India, without any speck of evidence, didn’t change its position. But what the “source”, Indian intelligence, think tank, and the media do not explain is, what and how much could China pay the Karmapa to spy for them? What doesn’t he already have that China could give for working as a Chinese spy, putting his own life at risk? And what information could he possibly “spy” that could be of any use to China at all?
如果噶玛巴是真正的中国间谍,这将使藏人行政中央,达赖喇嘛和所有尊敬他的藏人同谋参与这次间谍活动,因为他们承认并支持他成为噶玛巴。 18年后,印度没有任何证据,也没有改变立场。 但是,“源头”,印度情报,智囊团和媒体没有解释的是,中国向噶玛巴支付什么,多少钱可以让他为他们进行间谍活动? 作为中国间谍他冒着生命危险做了哪些中国要他做的事? 他可能会“窥探”哪些对中国有用处的信息?

What Tibetans would say is, the “source” is shooting from the shoulders of the media. And to borrow Donald Trump’s favourite catch phrase “fake news”, the “source” is spreading fake news and misinformation when he says that the Karmapa didn’t apply for a visa. When the Karmapa clarified that he did apply, then the “source” changes his statement, saying the application was not complete. Should the government of India afford to keep such mediocre officials, when the matter concerns the important issue of India-Tibet-China.

The offer to the Karmapa of land in Delhi by the Government of India sounded like a desperate act to woo him back to India. But why would Karmapa want to build his centre in Delhi? Given the choice, he surely would like to be close to the Dalai Lama, and the main Tibetan hub McLeod Ganj, in Himachal Pradesh. Another indication of non-thinking on the part of the Government of India, was the refusal to accept the surrender of his Yellow Book when it was brought to the Indian mission in New York City in October. It is clearly mentioned on the Yellow Book itself that once a holder of the Yellow Book obtains any other travel document, it ceases to be valid, and must be surrendered to the nearest Indian passport-issuing authority.
印度政府向噶玛巴提供德里的土地听起来像是一种迫使他回到印度的绝望行为。 但为什么噶玛巴要在德里建立自己的中心? 鉴于这种选择,他肯定希望在喜马偕尔邦附近达赖喇嘛和主要的西藏中心McLeod Ganj。 另一个表明印度政府没有大脑的迹象是,去年10月份他的黄皮书被带到纽约印度领馆时拒绝接受他的黄皮书的注销。 黄皮书本身明确提到,一旦黄皮书的持有人获得任何其他旅行证件,它就不再有效,必须交给最近的印度护照签发机构。

In a new statement last week, the Karmapa clarified that attempts to surrender his Yellow Book to the Indian Mission in New York City were unsuccessful, with the chief official at the Mission saying that he needs to seek advice from Delhi. His India visa application was also not processed. The Karmapa further stated that there was some discussion between him and the chief. Learning about the situation, Tibet Sun reported on the same in November. It has now been learned that the chief insisted that the Karmapa withdraw from surrendering his Yellow Book, and that he should continue to travel on the same document, despite the fact that this would be against the rule enacted by the Government of India itself.
在上周的一份新声明中,噶玛巴澄清说,他将他的黄皮书交给纽约市的印度领馆时没成功,领馆的主要官员说他们需要向德里寻求建议。 他的印度签证申请也没有得到处理。 噶玛巴进一步表示,他和主要领导之间进行了一些讨论。 西藏太阳报在11月报道了这一情况。 现在已经了解到,该领导坚持要求噶玛巴撤回放弃他的黄皮书,并且继续使用它,尽管这将违反印度政府本身制定的规则。

Copy of Identity Certificate
showing the purpose and the rules.

It should be known that the Karmapa is needed by Tibetans in the US, Canada, and European countries, as much as he is needed by Tibetans in India. Such frequent travels are extremely challenging and almost impossible on the Yellow Book. He has been busy attending Tibetan events in these countries since moving to the US in May 2017. Since then he has been able to perform his duties as the Karmapa without any restrictions. He is free to travel anywhere he wants, and meet with anyone he chooses to. He even met with the claimant-Karmapa Thinley Thaye Dorje in France, stunning all the stakeholders — something that would have never been possible to do in India.
应该知道,美国,加拿大和欧洲国家的藏人需要噶玛巴,而印度的藏人也需要噶玛巴。 这种频繁的旅行极具挑战性,黄皮书几乎不可能。 自2017年5月移居美国以来,他一直忙于参加这些国家的藏族活动。从那时起,他就能够毫无限制地履行其作为噶玛巴的职责。 他可以自由地到任何他想去的地方旅行,并与他选择的任何人见面。 他甚至在法国会见了噶玛巴声称人泰耶多杰,令所有利益相关者惊叹不已 - 这在印度是不可能实现的。

Shooting from the shoulders of media 从媒体的肩膀射击

The Karmapa has made his choice clear, and gotten himself a citizenship (which more or less, just a travel document), and wants to live outside India. He has made the right choice, one that anybody would choose if they were in his situation. India could choose whether it wanted to issue him a visa or not. But resorting to the usual cheap tactic of shooting from the shoulders of media without any clarity, let alone the name of the “source” shows a sense of confusion, desperation, mismanagement, as well as lack of sophistication and professionalism, by the handlers of the issue of Karmapa in the Government of India. In all earnestness, the Government of India should come out with an official statement through a spokesperson or even a press release to confirm the official position on the Karmapa, rather than giving silly comments such as that he had not applied for the visa, then later changing to the effect that he has not completed his visa application. Ogyen Trinley Dorje is the head of a global network of spiritual centres. He has top class people working for him. To say that his visa application was incomplete strikes as nothing less than ludicrous.
噶玛巴已经明确了他的选择,并获得了公民身份(或多或少,只是一份旅行证件),并希望住在印度境外。他做出了正确的选择,如果他们处于他的境地,任何人都会这样选择。印度可以选择是否要签发签证。但是,在没有任何明确性的情况下采用通常廉价的媒体攻击策略,更不用说“来源”这个名字显示出一种混乱,绝望,管理不善以及缺乏复杂性和专业性的感觉。噶玛巴和印度政府的问题。在认真的情况下,印度政府应该通过发言人或甚至新闻稿发表官方声明,以确认对噶玛巴的官方立场,而不是发表讽刺的评论,例如他没有申请签证,后来改变他没有完成签证申请的说法。 邬金钦列多杰是全球各精神中心的领袖。他有一流的人为他工作。说他的签证申请是不完整的没完成的说辞,是荒谬的。

Indian officials shooting through media’s shoulder is counter-productive and the media mess confuses the situation further. It only prove India’s heavy-handed big brotherly strategy, especially without any sensitivity when dealing with religious minorities. Karmapa will have to clarify the fake news, and that would not reflect well on the image of the Government of India. Instead, if the officials could try to understand, they will see that the Karmapa had taken the passport of Dominica, not US Green Card. With his stature and circumstances, he could have easily sought asylum in any developed country of his choice (the US, Canada or Switzerland) within months. He didn’t because he did not want to complicate matters further, and it was not his goal to be exiled for the second time. All he needed was a travel document, and that is what he got.
印度官员在媒体的肩膀上射击是适得其反的,媒体混乱使情况进一步混乱。 它只证明了印度严厉的兄弟战略,尤其是在与宗教少数群体打交道时没有任何敏感性。 噶玛巴将不得不澄清假新闻,这对印度政府的形象反映不佳。 相反,如果官员们试图了解,他们会看到噶玛巴已经拿走了多米尼克的护照,而不是美国绿卡。 凭借他的身份,他可以在几个月内轻松地在他选择的任何发达国家(美国,加拿大或瑞士)寻求庇护。 他没有,因为他不想让事情进一步复杂化,他的目标不是第二次被流放。 他所需要的只是一份旅行证件,这就是他所得到的。

Fair deal for possible return 公平交易可能的回报

If India wants him back, it should drop the “Chinese spy” tag, let him set up a centre according to his choice, lift all travel restrictions, and let him meet his followers, including the Chinese, without any paranoia. Indian government needs to move from being an arrogant big brother to be a wise elder brother and stop using the media as a manipulation tactic to control him. A proper diplomacy and dialogue, with some time and space, could easily bring a breakthrough. Or else, he is free now, and it wouldn’t make sense to go back to India to live where it suffocates him and face the security and media tamasha all over again. But if New Delhi’s plan is to keep the Karmapa away from India, then it is clearly succeeding!
如果印度想要他回来,就应该放弃“中国间谍”标签,让他根据自己的选择设立一个中心,解除所有旅行限制,并让他与包括中国人在内的追随者见面,没有任何偏执。 印度政府需要从一个傲慢的大哥变成一个聪明的哥哥,并停止使用媒体作为控制他的操纵策略。 适当的外交和对话,有一些时间和空间,很容易带来突破。 或者,他现在是自由的,回到印度生活在那里让他窒息并再次面对安全和媒体tamasha是没有意义的。 但如果新德里的计划是让噶玛巴远离印度,那么它显然是成功的!