法王新闻 | 2021年03月



༸རྗེ་བརྒྱད་པ་མི་བསྐྱོད་ཞབས་ཀྱི་རྣམ་ཐར་བཀའ་ཁྲིད། བདེ་བྱེད་མའི་དཔྱིད་ཆོས་ཉིན་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ།


時間:2021年3月4日晚上9:00-10:00(北京/台北/香港)March 04, 2021
English text source from: Arya Kshema website

Je Tsongkhapa and the Kagyu; The Sixth and Seventh Good Deeds

English Translation Audio






The Gyalwang Karmapa began by updating everyone on the Covid 19 outbreak at the Geluk Gyuto Tantric Monastery near Dharamsala, his base in India for nearly eighteen years. He described the great kindness the monks and monastery staff had shown him and his labrang during that time. They could not be faulted for the support and co-operation they had given him and his staff. Contrary to what many thought, staying at Gyuto Ramoche Monastery had not been a difficult situation for him personally, and he had felt at home there.



Many of the older monks had fled Tibet through Bhutan and felt a connection. While still in Tibet, he had seen Gyuto in a dream and had visited Ramoche Monastery in Lhasa for the first time shortly before he left for India. This led him to believe that there had been some purpose in spending so many years at Gyuto.



He requested everyone to pray for the monastery outbreak to subside and cautioned that this situation had arisen because people were paying less attention to precautions after a lengthy lockdown.


唯一Bamboo跟着大宝能住进的寺庙旅馆就只有这个属于格鲁派的上密院了。甚至有一回,Bamboo想起大宝说:“弟子要在上师近前修法。”就死活要在晚上呆在上密院大殿旁,大宝的窗下彻夜打坐, 即便被印度官方派驻的警察揍开了好几次,上密院也没因此把Bamboo赶出寺庙,不让再进寺庙过,上密院方面自始自终都未为难过Bamboo。所以大宝才会说“住上密院绝对是正确的选择”。

也因为这个原因,后来即便上密院麾下的法王办公室用手中大宝的几个官方账号和网站,发了不少假消息,又是黑大宝又想引Bamboo上当。包括二月初Bamboo刚到墨西哥时,就操控大宝官方账号发了一大堆好像大宝要圆寂似了的消息,想引得Bamboo冲动偷越美墨边境去见大宝最后一面吗? 可惜Bamboo没上当的说。护法神也就是念在曾经对Bamboo的恩德的份上,这次也只是轻轻的惩处了一下,让亲身体验了一回这个新闻制造出来的小流感疫情而已。

后面Bamboo也附上了新闻报道的内容,里面说根本找不到感染源,因为当时外地来的15个僧侣都是阴性,而上密院疫情一开始就采取了最严密的防护措施,彻底封闭了寺院。所以这只是个轻轻的警告,要知道 业报来时,是根本不需要任何途径的。无非是之前有一些恩德,才会重罪轻报。但不管怎么样,Bamboo自始自终都会记得因为上密院的恩德,自己才能在大宝近前学习了最重要的一段时间。Bamboo也始终觉得格鲁派的寺院的确比噶举派的寺院要有气度。

2011年,法王办公室想用信众供养的金钱在印度买块地,建个名义上属于大宝的寺院让他住。结果当时的印度政府就说大宝是中国间谍,并以洗钱名义没收了这些用来买地的钱,听说好像是六、七百万美金。大宝从此就一直借住在格鲁派的上密院了。信众供养大宝的金钱也都归这些他暂住的寺院,或者活动主办方所有, 因为难民,他在印度没有自己的银行账户,大笔现金放在法王办公室,印度政府又会说是洗钱。所以他在印度18年,既没有丝毫自由,也没有属于自己的任何财产和金钱。

Je Tsongkhapa and the Kagyu Tradition


His Holiness explained that Gyuto and Gyume are the two great tantric monasteries and very important for Buddhist teachings in general and in particular for the tantric teachings of Je Tsongkhapa, which are based on the three tantras brought from India to Tibet by Lhodrak Marpa Lotsawa. The three main yidams in the Geluk tradition are Guhyasamāja, Chakrasamvara, and Vajrabhairava. As Je Tsongkhapa regarded Guhyasamāja to be the most important, this tantra is regarded as the quintessential Geluk tantra. Jamyang Chöje’s namthar of Tsongkhapa reads:

On a throne studded with many jewels
Is the omniscient Buton Rinchen Drum
Who gave him the root tantra of Guhyasamāja
And said, “Be the master of this.”
I supplicate the glorious guru.

He gave him the volume, and with a mantra and mudra,
Blessed him on the top of his head.
He realised that the points of mixing and phowa from Lhodrak Marpa
Are the tantra and the pith instructions of the Noble One.
I supplicate the glorious guru.


This shows how Je Tsongkhapa developed certainty that Marpa’s instructions on mixing and phowa are the true meaning of tantra and pith instructions from Nagarjuna and his disciples.


As Drukpa Kunley said, “The Gelukpas have the tantras that Marpa brought from India...and they practise and meditate on the path of unified creation and completion. They have the point of prana and mind entering the central channel; the unmistaken practice in the Geluk school.“


Je Tsongkhapa’s own disciple, Chennga Sönam Gyaltsen of the Pakdru Kagyu lineage, said in Questions and Answers: A String of Vaidurya that Je Tsongkhapa never refuted the Kagyu tenets. He also said that they could be proven to be in his own tradition. In terms of view, generally, Je Tsongkhapa liked the Prāsaṅgika [Consequentialist] view, and especially the teachings of Chandrakirti. He said that Lord Marpa was also a Prāsaṅgika, as evidenced by Marpa’s song: On the banks of the river Ganges in the east, Due to the kindness of the great guru Maitripa, I realised the ground, the non-arising dharmatā The mind blazed in emptiness.


His argument was that Maitripa taught the non-arising dharmatā to Lord Marpa and that is the meaning of the Chakrasamvara tantra. Another of Je Tsongkhapa’s disciples, Lhenchik Kyepay Dorje, said that there was no greater vajra master than Marpa.


The Prāsaṅgika fall into two traditions: one presents all phenomena as mere existents saying they become true; the second maintains that they do not become true. The first is a presentation of relative truth. Je Tsongkhapa and Milarepa both took the former position. One of the songs of Milarepa makes this clear: In accordance with all you beginners’ thoughts, The omniscient buddha said that Everything exists. This presents the conventional or relative truth of the existence of phenomena. In terms of the ultimate truth, There is not even a buddha… This presents the ultimate truth of the non-existence of phenomena. The existent appearing as things And non-existent emptiness Are inseparable in essence and one flavour.


This establishes the interdependence of phenomena appearing as things and being empty by nature. Je Tsongkpaha said that linking appearance and emptiness in this way without contradiction was a particular view of the Kagyu school. He pointed to a saying of Lord Gampopa, “When you realise emptiness, you must be more detailed about interdependence,” and said it was a crucial point. Je Tsongkhapa also commended Phagmo Drupa Dorje Gyalpo [a direct disciple of Gampopa and founder of the Phagdru Kagyu] as an authoritative being. He praised Mahāmudrā, though later scholars accused it of being a nihilistic view. He maintained that the best tradition on the Guhyasamāja Tantra came from Marpa, whose pith instructions helped students develop certainty. Likewise, he said that the most important tradition of Chakrasamvara came from Naropa, augmented with teachings from other Indian masters. In terms of the completion stage of the father and mother tantras, he recommended the Six Yogas of Naropa as giving the clearest explanation of the crucial points.


Although there are different terminologies, the actual teaching on view, meditation and conduct in the presentations by Tsongkhapa and the Kagyu are basically the same. There are differences in explanation but no significant difference in meaning. There is no evidence to suggest that Je Tsongkhapa was antagonistic towards the Kagyu in any way. If he sometimes refuted their view, we have to remember that he also refuted the views of Indian masters. We should be delighted that Je Tsongkhapa maintained the precious Kagyu lineage was in accord with him and be reassured that he never did anything to harm the Kagyu teachings. On the contrary, he supported and propagated them.



It appears that Je Tsongkhapa had his own particular presentation of the Middle Way view. In the Golden Garland of Eloquence he wrote, “I have not described the nature free of the elaborations of the eight extremes, as Nagarjuna and his disciples did, because the words alone would scare people.” Not only that, his direct disciple Gö Lotsawa Zhönnu-pel [Tibetan historian, author of the Blue Annals] described how “Je Rinpoche appeared in Tibet, like a buddha appearing in this world.” When Tsongkhapa went to sojong and other rituals, he was so magnificent, it felt as though the very mountains began to shake. In another text, The Great Medicine of Amrita, it says that even Vajrapani would be unable to understand the qualities of Je Tsongkhapa. And yet his students did not always pay close attention to all his teachings, only to some aspects of them. By emphasising specific philosophical points, the Karmapa observed, it may be that Je Tsongkhapa‘s own followers have become an impediment to the spread of his teachings. Je Tsongkhapa himself was able to teach a wide range of students, from low to high capacity.


His Holiness concluded by saying how very important it is for us to look at things from a broad perspective. The more we can view things from all perspectives and consider Je Tsongkhapa beyond a narrow sectarian view, we can see how he benefitted the teachings in general and had a lasting influence on all Tibetan lineages.

The Sixth Good Deed: The Undeceiving Three Jewels



(6) བསླུ་མེད་དགོན་མཆོག་གསུམ་ལ་སྐྱབས་སུ་སོང་ཚུལ། Going for refuge to the undeceiving Three Jewels 皈依无谬三宝之法
༦༽ སྐྱབས་གནས་ཐུབ་པའི་དཀོན་མཆོག་རྣམ་གསུམ་ལས། ། གཞན་པའི་སྐྱབས་ལ་ཡིད་ཆེས་མ་རྙེད་པས། ། སྐྱིད་སྡུག་ཐམས་ཅད་དཀོན་མཆོག་མཁྱེན་པ་ཡིན། ། གཞན་ལ་རེ་ལྟོས་སྤུ་རྩེ་ཙམ་ཡང་མེད། ། འདི་ཡང་བདག་གི་ལེགས་སྤྱད་ཡིན་སྙམ་བགྱིད། །
Besides the true protector, the Three Jewels, No other refuge gave me confidence. The Jewels know all joys and woes; I had not a white Of any dependence or hope in anyone else. I think of this as one of my good deeds.


From the time Mikyö Dorje was young, he remembered death, impermanence and the suffering of samsara so keenly that it gave him insomnia. He was always complaining about them. He said that when we contemplate the meaning of impermanence, the most helpful idea is that the meaning of impermanence is momentariness. Phenomena do not endure from one instant to the next. Nor do phenomena need any additional conditions in order to perish; the moment they arise, they perish naturally. The texts talk about impermanence being nothingness. Because of this, Mikyö Dorje developed certainty in the explanation from the texts on logic that the meaning of impermanence is nothingness.


He said: The reason why I saw that actions for this life, and in particular plans for this life have no meaning at all and the understanding I had from that, is from reading the namthar of Lord Milarepa and Lord Götsangpa.


His Holiness explained that Milarepa and Götsangpa are the two people within the Kagyu lineage who represent feeling utter revulsion for samsara. Now, no matter what friend I part from, I don’t feel any poignancy in relation to this life for even an instant. Basically, when he has no attachment to this life, His Holiness commented, when he parts from relatives and friends, for example when they die, he has no attachment to them at all.



I only ever think that no matter who I associate with in order to have a good situation in this life, it is meaningless. When I arrive at any place that would be pleasant and nice in relation to this life, I continually have the feeling that things come and go, like renting a room in an inn for a few days.


Mikyö Dorje always had this feeling of impermanence. To sum it up, Mikyö Dorje only spoke of world-weariness and the wish for liberation. He was criticised for this behind his back and seen as unstable —always changing his mind. Mikyö Dorje thought that his critics should go to their own beds, turn their thoughts inwards and examine themselves very carefully along these lines:




Do you have any idea when you will die? When you die, you pin your hopes on your present tiny virtuous thoughts, but that virtue is not enough to determine where you will be reborn. It is not a foundation or basis. No matter what your rebirth, whatever new place you are born in, whatever new companions, new possessions, they will be unattractive. You will not even hear the words “The Three Jewels.” You will have to spend your entire life in misdeeds and suffering. If you are born in such a body, what will you do then? You need to think about this for yourselves. You don’t even dare to think about it! Shouldn’t you be thinking, “What am I going to do?” For this reason you must give up on this lifetime. In order to do this, no matter what requests parents, relatives, powerful friends, or your retinue and students make, or no matter what good or bad things people say, you must think, “There’s nothing to rely on here.” There is no point doing worldly things to placate your parents or relatives or powerful friends. You should think, “Do what you want. Let whatever happens happen. Let whatever comes come.”


In short, you shouldn’t let another hold the rope to your nose [the rope which is used to control an animal]. You should control your own thoughts and actions.

The Seventh Good Deed: How He Practised the Path of the Lesser Individual




This is the first verse in the second main section which covers how Mikyö Dorje practised the paths of the three types of individual. This verse concerns the path of the lesser individual:

༧༽ སྡུག་བསྔལ་བྱུང་ཚད་རང་གི་ཉེས་སྤྱོད་ཀྱི། ། འབྲས་བུར་ཤེས་ནས་སྦྱོར་དངོས་རྗེས་ཚང་བའི། ། མི་དགེའི་ལས་ལམ་ཡོོངས་སུ་རྫོགས་པ་ཞིག ། ཚེ་འདིར་སྤྱད་པའི་རྣམ་གྲངས་ག་ལ་ཡོོད། ། འདི་ཡང་བདག་གི་ལེགས་སྤྱད་ཡིན་སྙམ་བགྱིད། །
Once I knew that all suffering that occurs is the result Of my own wrongs, I could not complete in full Unvirtuous acts with preparation, deed, and aftermath. I have not completed an unvirtuous act in this life. I think of this as one of my good deeds.




Prajapati said investigation into the Gyuto monastery cluster suggests that the outbreak started after Losar, the Tibetan New Year, festivities on February 14.
Prajapati 说,对上密院群体的调查表明,疫情始于 2 月 14 日藏历新年庆祝活动之后。

Fifteen monks, comprising 13 from Karnataka and two from Delhi, were at the monastery from February 16 to 19.
2 月 16 日至 19 日,有 15 名,13 名来自卡纳塔克邦和两名来自德里的僧人来到寺里。

The index case in the monastery was reported on February 23 during random sampling. Since then, 330 samples have been tested of which 160 have tested positive.
2 月 23 日随机抽样,检测了 330 个样本,其中 160 个检测呈阳性。

Two patients have been shifted to Fortis Hospital in Kangra and one to Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda, while the others, who are mostly asymptomatic, have been isolated at the monastery.
两名患者已被转移到康格拉的富通医院,一名被转移到坦达的 Rajendra Prasad 政府医学院,其他大部分无症状感染者已在寺院被隔离

What has left the health authorities perplexed is the fact that the monks who came from outside Himachal Pradesh have tested negative for coronavirus. “We aren’t sure about the origin of the outbreak as those who came from Karnataka and Delhi have tested negative,” said Prajapati.
让卫生局感到困惑的是,来自喜马偕尔邦以外的僧侣的冠状病毒检测呈阴性。 “我们不确定疫情的起源,因为来自卡纳塔克邦和德里的人的检测结果呈阴性,”普拉贾帕蒂说。

Inaugurated in 1996 by the Dalai Lama, Gyuto Tantric Monastery is an important institution of the Geluk School of Tibetan Buddhism, where monks study Tantric Buddhism.

The monastery was home to the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, since 2000, after he fled Tibet, to May 2017 when he moved to US and finally acquired citizenship of Dominica, a Caribbean island country, in 2018.
这座寺院成为了第十七世噶玛巴邬金钦列多杰自 2000 年逃离西藏后,到 2017 年 5 月移居美国前的住所,他于 2018 年获得加勒比岛国多米尼克的公民身份。

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