法王新闻 | 2022年06月


A Puja for His Holiness' Birthday



uploaded on 6/30/2022
last updated on 9/8/2022

時間:2022年06月30日 30th June, 2022 9:00am (India Time)
English translation from dakinitranslations.com

English Translation Audio

“Today is my birthday and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the Regent of the Karmapas, Goshri Gyaltsab Rinpoche, HE Kyabje Zurmang Rinpoche and also my tutor HE Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and all the teachers, all the spiritual friends and sangha members from all the Tibetan tradition monasteries, as well as all my dharma friends from the Eastern and Western parts of the globe. Thank you all for listening today. I do not have that much to say, or particular thought that I have to say something.

■ 为了避讳,我出生的日子改了

主要今年我生日的时间有做一些修改,以前是6月26日,今年是按照了藏历5月1日来定的,这是我父母也都认为是正确的时间——藏历5月1日。之前看到另外有一个5月8日的记录, 但是我问了我母亲之后,母亲还是跟我确认说:“哦,那是一个错误的记载,还是藏历5月1日,这是确认的。”以前我在藏地的时候,在楚布寺,就是在藏历的5月1日,就会庆生,当时就依止 这样的时间会“庆生”。我觉得一方面来说,这也是对于藏族的历算的一种重视。也希望大家对藏历重视,所以这次我们依照藏历来庆生,这是一个原因。
This year we have changed the celebration of my birthday. In the past, we used to have my birthday on the 26th of June. However, this year I’ve taken the Tibetan calendar as the basis and we are celebrating it on the first day of the 5th Tibetan lunar month.   The first day of the 5th Tibetan month is the correct date and my parents and relatives all say that this is the unmistaken day. However, if we look at the old documents, in the last year my mother said maybe it’s the 8th day and not the fifth day.  So later, I asked her about this, and she said that was a mistake and she confirmed that it is the first day of the fifth month.  So, this is what my both my parents say and this is not a mistake. In the past, when I was at Tsurphu Monastery, we used to have the celebrations on the first day of the fifth Tibetan month, and that is the tradition that has continued to the present. So, from one aspect, it’s important for us to consider the Tibetan calendar to be important for everyone to take interest. That is the reason, and that is the primary way we are celebrating the birthday on this day.

Bamboo评论:1985年的6月26日是藏历5月8日,但今年如果按藏历5月8日来过的话,就是公历7月6日,跟西藏人民最高领袖的14世达赖公开庆生的日子同一天了,这是必须要避讳的。所以就把出生日期改成了以前楚布寺安排庆祝他生日的日子——藏历5月1日。 也就是1985年的6月19日。对于一个跟大司徒仁波切窜通好,为了满足“预言信”而捡来的孩子来说,啥时候生日都可以。

就我个人来说,这是一个我要感恩的日子,就是要感恩父母的一个日子,他们可以说赐给我一个“暇满人身”,让我能够学习佛法的这样一个人身。而且我也能够感恩我的老师,能够学习佛法这样的一个日子。 主要是感恩父母亲给予我这样一个人身,也能够依止老师学习佛法。不止是感恩他们给予我这样一个生命,他们也给予我很多的教导,告诉我善恶,告诉我取舍,也告诉我要与人为善,要爱护生命(Bamboo批:要爱护生命,多杀牛),真的是从小在我心中, 种下了一个很深、很深的善的种子。所以我觉得父母对我的恩,不止是给我这个生命,而且在我心中种下这样一个善的种子。所以,我想借今天的这个日子,很重要是要感谢我的父母亲。
This is a particular time, especially personally, as a day when I can feel gratitude. Especially to my mother and father who have given me this human body with the pleasures and resources I need for practising Dharma.  They have given me this precious human body.  This is a day when I want to express my gratitude to my parents. Of course, my parents didn’t just show me the kindness of bearing me physically, they taught me the basic conduct of how I should behave. What I should do and what I should not do. They helped me feel faith for the three jewels and feel compassion for all sentient beings. I think they had a very strong influence in this regard, and so I think that the first real spiritual friends I’ve had in this lifetime are my own parents. Not just in relation to the kindness of helping me this life but also the kindness in helping make this body meaningful. For that reason, I would like to express my gratitude towards my kind parents. I think this is very important.

Now, we have all have entered the Dharma and practice what we should do and not doing what we shouldn’t do. Being able to see a little bit of the nature of Dharma primarily comes from our spiritual friends and gurus and the kindness of our Dharma friends.  So today is a special day where I think it’s important to really remember their kindness too and be grateful to them.

回顾一下我这三十多年的生命,大部分都没有按照我的想法而走,总是觉得我还可以更努力,要更精进一些,还是觉得做的不够多,总之未来,我会尽我的全力,去利益佛教和众生,不止是今生,我生生世世发愿 都不离开这个佛法,都希望能够利益到佛教跟众生。
When I look back over the first thirty or so years of my life, most of the time is has not really turned out the way I wish it had. I wasted a lot of time, this naturally happens. However, in the future, I have this thought that I need to be more diligent and more devoted to dharma practice so that it turns out better and differently than it did before. In the future I look forward to serving the beings and the Dharma teachings. This is an unswerving commitment that I have. Not just in this lifetime, but from this lifetime and through all lifetimes in the future, I pray that I never be separated from the Dharma and be able to do some benefit for the beings and teachings, this is a hope that I hold.

■ 难民户籍不能注销

再还有一个重点就是,过去这几年,我没有办法回到印度,都待在海外。最主要一个原因就是,很多到了海外的藏族,印度政府是给予我们很大的恩德的,给予我们这样一个旅行的证件, 但是这样的一个“旅行的证件”,一些国家是不承认的。所以如果想到更多的地方,利益更多的众生,我们说“弘法”的话,还是比较困难。 没有办法利用这样一个“旅行证件”去旅行、去弘法。甚至有的时候,印度国内,到了海关,他们的官员都不太知道特别发给藏族的这样一个证件,到底它是什么?都不知道。所以,使用上比较困难。 并不是那么方便的使用。所以,当时我就想,计划换另外一个护照,因此也就换了另外一个护照。
Another main point, in the last few years I have been unable to come to India and have had to stay abroad. The main point about this, what it comes down to is that all of us Tibetan refugees have been treated very well by the Indian government. They’ve given us the yellow refugee book, and I have used that to travel with. Yet, when one uses the refugee book, there are many countries that do not recognise this, so I’m unable to go there. So, in the future if I wish to bring benefit to beings and teachings it is necessary to be able to travel easily. However, the Customs and immigration controls often don’t recognise what this yellow book is and they have to ask many questions. So, carrying the refugee Yellow Refuge book can make travelling difficult, not only for me but for many Tibetans. For that reason, in order to make it easier to travel and to give a greater benefit to beings and the teachings, I planned to make a passport from another country, and I did that.

为了要符合印度的法令,所以,要把当时我拥有的这样一个证件还给印度政府等等,就有一些 手续要办。当时我就清楚地报告了,为什么我要申请这样一个新的护照,然后把旧的护照也还给政府,有这样的一些沟通。当时,我是在美国的,来往有许多这样的沟通,但当时没有马上得到一个 很确切的回复跟结果。
Once I did that, I went to return the old refugee book to the Indian government authorities and asked to get a visa for my new passport. After I received the new passport, I first explained to the Indian Government all the reasons why I needed to change my passport. I told them I would like to return the yellow refugee book, and requested that they issue me a visa for my new passport.  At that time, I was in America. When I asked the Indian authorities, there was a lot of conversation, a lot of discussion. However, at the end, there was no real result that came out of the discussions.

Bamboo评论:其实大宝有了多米尼克护照后,印度的难民证按国际惯例,就属于自动注销了。就像中国人如果偷偷取得了别国护照,中国国籍就自动注销了。所以,印度政府收不收回难民证根本不是什么大问题, 直接扔掉就行了。现在的问题就在于中、美在那儿施压,看Bamboo被围殴的样子就知道,大宝就算拿了一百多个国家都免签的多米尼克护照都没用,没有一个航空公司敢让他登机,没有一个国家敢让他正常入境。

Then the Corona virus epidemic spread throughout the world and the situation arose where we were unable to travel. I had no choice but to delay my programmes. However, now the Corona virus epidemic is getting a little bit less widespread.  So once again the Indian and the Tibetan governments are expressing a great interest in when I might return to India as are the state government of Sikkim.

I have not been able to go back to go to Sikkim but now they are making efforts to get me to go back to Sikkim and they are making great efforts and driving very hard to do this and they have a very great interest in this. The state government is making great efforts in this regard.


So, at this point, I am engaged in discussions with the Indian Government, but it will take a little bit of time. It is difficult for me to say that I will be coming back at a certain time right now.  I need to continue the discussions with the Indian Government, and when the discussion is clearer then at that point, I will be able to return to India and I hope that I will be able to see you then.

我之前就跟印度政府说过,我非常重视印度,是我们佛法的发源地,也是佛陀的诞生地,是整个佛法发源的地方。尤其对于藏族来说,我们尊者也就在印度,也是我们海外藏族最重要的一个 居住的地方。尤其许多大的寺院、僧团,也都在那里,就噶举的僧团来说,也都在那里。所以,无论从整体佛教、或者个别教派来说,从藏族整体或个别来说,总之, 都是非常、非常重要的一个地方,所以就我个人来讲,或整体来讲,印度都是跟我密不可分的、非常重要的一个地方。
In the past, I told the Indian Authorities that I consider India to be very important. For one thing, India is the source of the Buddhist religion. It is the place where the Buddha appeared on the Earth. It is the source of the Buddha Dharma. So, India is extremely important. Likewise, for us Tibetan people, the Dalai Lama is in India and all the Tibetans who came as refugees. The organisational hub of all of the Tibetan monasteries and nunneries are there too. In particular, for Kagyupas the main Kagyu monasteries are there as are many of our Rinpoches. So, for myself individually, and in general, I think that India is very important for us. It is an extremely important place.  It is a very important point that I have a good connection with India and I have said this in a letter to India. This is the actual situation.

Bamboo评论:印度这个国家也是“贪”和“痴”的典型。明明是个多数票选举制的国家,还拼命要去抢西藏的土地和人,回头被哪个藏族宗教领袖利用影响力控制了在印度的藏民,按选票就等于 直接控制了印度的国会和选举。这也就是美国和土共拼命要捏住大宝话语权的原因之一。

但是,要回到印度去,在技术上,还是有一些东西要处理的,必须要很谨慎地要处理。不然,大家会心想,怎么法王在国外待这么久,是不是他不回来了?你们可能会这么想, 但其实重点是,不是我不想回去,我是要回去的。其实,当时在美国的时候,我姐姐当时还特别飞回到印度去,去联系、接洽我回去的事宜。当时,就很重视我要回去的事情。总之,在这里,跟大家说一声。
However, for me to return to India, there are a lot of technical issues in terms of applying for a visa. So, this is an issue we need to think about a little bit more carefully. If we do not make the request properly, then I won’t be able to return. So, some people might think that I have spent many years abroad and I am not going to come back. You might think that, but there’s another point there, as I said. It is not that I do not want to come back, I do.  From the time I have been in America, I have made requests over and over again to return to India.  My sister and other people have gone to India and had many discussions with the central Indian government. So, this is a very important point, that I thought you should all keep in mind.


■ 回印度当诱饵

These days in the world, the Coronavirus epidemic has taken many people’s lives. Many people have also suffered economic losses and it’s caused many difficulties.  Also, these days there is the war in Ukraine, and this is also having a very strong impact all over the world, especially in Europe, and is creating a lot of problems. So, these days, the global situation is changing in so many different ways. We are all in such a time, all of us.

所以,我们不能再傻傻地蒙在鼓里,应该要打开眼睛,去看、去了解,知道外在发生了什么事情。尤其是藏族们,应该要去想一想、看一看,过去这几年当中, 藏族社会中也发生了蛮多问题。本来我心中也一直想发表一些意见,但是太多这些纷争和意见,我当时就想,如果我说些什么,到底有没有什么帮助?是制造更多的问题呢? 还是,所以也没有说什么。总之,不是很团结,有些纷争、分裂。这实在是让人很难过的。
So, we should not just sit there not knowing what to do. We need to clearly look at the changes in the world and see what is the situation in the world? It’s important for us to understand this. In particular for us Tibetans, we Tibetans really need to think about this.  In the last several years in our Tibetan societies, there have been many difficult problems and issues. I often think about these many different things and think I should say something, but these days, society is a very easily upset and riled.  So, when I say something, I don’t know what’s going to change, who’s going to use it.  In sum, I don’t know whether it’s going to be beneficial or not going to be of benefit and turn out badly. It’s not certain.  In any case, with our Tibetan refugee communities, we don’t have a very good sense of community, we don’t have a communal idea and it’s a very difficult situation that we are in. I think that is something we need to be very disappointed about.

In particular, while the Dalai Lama is still alive. For us to be in such a difficult situation, so what’s going to happen when, when he’s no longer with us?  That is really something that we need to think about. 

Bamboo评论:最近看流亡政府的新闻,都是萨迦三代法王全体出动,和噶举派大喇嘛等纷纷参拜达赖的图片。在杀掉一两个宁玛派法王“杀鸡敬候”后,藏传四大教派可谓达到了九百年来从未达到过的“全无纷争”地 团结在了达赖旗帜下的历史新高度。

这一世达赖,Bamboo是当面见过的,就印象来说,本人还是比较机智的。现在新闻图片上的达赖,看上去有点形似而神不似,不知道是达赖老年痴呆了,还是已过世换了个替身。 但现在这个“替身”,在更凶、更黑、更不择手段的中美政权的直接出手下,却完成了累世达赖从未完成过的一统西藏各教派的梦想。


于是,我会想,藏族的社会太复杂了,如果我再回去的话,到底有没有帮助呢?还是,只是被利用,根本起不到任何作用。的确,蛮多真的有心的人只是很难过,会觉得起不到 ,使不上力的感觉,就只能在外面看,从外面看反而看得清楚,看到了许多问题,但是却心有余、力不足。大概是这样,其他也没有特别要多说。
If one is really bothered by tiny, trivial situations in front of ourselves and think that they are extremely important.  The main point force the is very harmonious connections between people and our feeling of being, of acting together as one.  This is like our life force, if we lose that, then what’s going to happen to us? I think it’s very important for us to think about this and I think that Tibetan society itself is really so difficult.  If I return to Tibetan society, then what’s going to happen?  Will I be able to be of benefit to anything?  Or is someone else going to try to use me? It is not certain. I often think about that. There are many Tibetans who have a very strong pure motivation, and they are very disappointed.  Now I’m not within the Tibetan society. I’m looking at Tibetan society from outside.  I’m seeing many different situations that we never used to see before. So, I think this is something that everyone should really try to take a wider, broader view about. So that’s basically it.  I really haven’t got anything else to say.

So, I’d like to say to all the Rinpoches, the members of the Sangha, all of the Dharma friends, for all of you to come and take such great interest and to celebrate my birthday, to participate in this I’d like to thank you very much for participating.

Bamboo评论:就只是跟达赖一样被利用做诱饵, 逼国内那些藏人为了见宗教领袖只能偷渡,成为没有丝毫权力和自由的难民,为了一纸护照和生存,只能用所修的密法帮美帝和王公公和蛤蟆帮办事。这就是中美一直秘密合作的关键所在,看王公公和牛毛政府一直狗咬狗的,但其实那是搭台唱戏法,私下一直是秘密合作的关系,为的就是诱那些藏族跑出去当没有丝毫权力和 自由的难民,好被这些邪恶势力控制当枪使。

For myself, from the time I was young, I thought there is not a lot of point to living a long time. Sometimes, I got a little bit depressed, or a little bit sad. There were many different situations and events, and I even thought it might be better to die young. However, later, that began to change and, in particular, in the last three, four or five years. So now when I think about things, I see that there are some real reasons for me to stay and live for a long time in the future. So, I hope to live for a long time, and this is my prayer as well.

The previous incarnations of the Karmapa, when I compare them to myself, I am not comparable and it is not worthwhile. Yet, when I look at them, it seems like that, but anyway, that’s maybe not entirely respectful.  Among all the Karmapas, the one who lived the longest was the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa lived to be 84. So, there is a hope that I could actually be the longest living of all the incarnations of the Karmapas.  If I can live for a long time, then is no real point. But I think that there is a reason for staying alive. The great 16th Karmapa passed away in his 50s. If he had lived longer till his 80s, then within our Kagyu Kamtsang many of the different difficulties and situations probably would not have been able to happen.


Even from my own perspective, in terms of the quality of the scriptures and realisation or qualities of being learned and, venerable, I haven’t got any of them at all, but I thought if I can do at least a little bit to serve beings and the teachings, and I have this sort of enthusiasm for this. So, I’d like to take this enthusiasm and see if I can stay a few years.  Then I think I can bring a little bit of benefit to the teachings in general and also to beings. This is my own dedication and aspiration.  I’d like to ask you all to please make the same prayer.

Bamboo评论:看皮肤的颜色和虚胖的程度,跟4月份讲课时的样子相比,像是讲课后一直被关在不见天日的地方。可能大宝和Bamboo都要活长点,此生才可能再见吧! Bamboo都不敢抱这个希望了,只希望自己死时,进入中阴身时,能见到他的实相吧。

English translation

■ 法会结束后开示
(after the puja):

“People should still be careful of Corona virus. A few weeks ago, I caught the virus and I have still not completely healed. So please be careful, especially with the older lamas such as Tai Situ Rinpoche, Gyaltsab Rinpoche and Thrangu Rinpoche and so on. It is very important they do not get sick, especially during the Summer teachings. The Summer teachings will be held during the Yarney Summer Rains retreat.”

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English translation