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法王噶玛巴 | 雪中禅修 · 亲近自然-《相互依存》摘译


体认到我们依赖自然环境的紧密性, 能够让我们了解并珍视, 它真正的价值。
Recognizing our intimate dependence on the natural environment allows us to see its true value and treasure it.

在都市生活的现代人, 总是被告知保护地球的重要性, 其中原因之一就是, 人们没有学会直接感受它, 理智和情感上与它的连接没有协调一致。
One reason that people living in cities nowadays need to be told so much about the importance of caring for the earth is because they did not grow up feeling direct, unmediated connections to it.

For them, nature is something that one visits in city parks or on excursions out into the countryside.

当我们在城市中长大, 我们对自然环境的感觉就已经很遥远了, 因为我们几乎很少亲历, 这种我们对大自然根本上的依赖性。
When we are raised in urban environments, our sense for the natural environment is more remote because we rarely witness our fundamental reliance upon it.

大自然看上去, 像是一个我们生活中漂亮的背景, 是一些在生活中可以增设的东西, 根本上来说是可有可无的。
Nature seems like a pretty backdrop to our lives, something that adds to the scenery but is basically optional.

我们被阻碍去认识到, 自然环境作为一个必不可少的舞台, 在我们的生活中是怎样发挥作用的。
We are obstructed from seeing how the natural environment is the very stage on which our lives play out.

离开了在环境中生长的条件, 无论做什么, 什么都不会发生。 ——法王噶玛巴书籍:《相互依存》
Without the conditions that arise from our environment, nothing whatsoever can take place. -- Karmapa, Interconnected.