法王新闻 | 2008年05月
时间:2008年5月25日 Sunday, May 25, 2008
地點:美國 科羅拉多州 博爾德市 米奇音乐厅 Macky Auditorium, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.
His Holiness had a very full day today, conducting private interviews, giving two public talks at Boulder’s Macky Auditorium, granting a question-and-answer audience for the organizing sanghas of the Boulder visit, and granting an audience to an assembly of hundreds of members of the Boulder Tibetan community at the Boulder Shambhala Center.
法王一整天的行程包含兩場於博爾德 Macky Auditorium對大眾的佛法開示,一場『問與答』座談會,此座談會是應博爾德法王行程之主辦單位僧眾的祈請。另外,法王也於香巴拉佛法中心接見數百位博爾德西藏團體的會員。
The topic for His Holiness’s public teachings was “Healing the Environment Through the Mind of Enlightenment,” and at the Tibetan community audience His Holiness gave advice to the assembly and conferred the reading transmission of Avalokiteshvara.
His Holiness will now be taking a few days of private rest. He will resume public teachings on Saturday, May 31 at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle, Washington.
接下來,法王將有三天的私人行程,之後,於五月三十一日在華盛頓州西雅圖的 Paramount Theatre,法王將再度給予大眾佛法開示。
Bamboo评论:如果就泰耶多杰一个人当什么十七世噶玛巴的话,应该没什么人会冒出来说是十六世噶玛巴的洋弟子。光看那个扎小辫 的、成天死扒在大宝身边的“十六世噶玛巴的英文翻译”的那个“没人能听得下去,也没人能听得懂”的英语。就知道十六世怎么可能会有洋弟子呢。(2024年12月09日)