法王新闻 | 2008年05月

『美国行』加利福尼亚 • 迪士尼游览

『US Tour』California • Visited Disneyland


时间:2008年5月28日 Wednesday, May 28, 2008
地點:美國 加利福尼亚州 洛杉磯 迪士尼樂園 Disneyland, Los Angeles, California, U.S.

From Monday, May 26, through Wednesday, May 28, His Holiness Karmapa visited two of the state of California’s most famous cities as part of a rest and recreation segment of his historic first visit to the United States.
2008年5月26~28日, 法王噶瑪巴前往加州兩座最有名的城市訪問,在這次歷史性訪美之旅的緊湊行程中,是法王唯一一段屬於私人的休閒時間。

On Monday, His Holiness briefly swept through San Francisco.

giving a short teaching and blessings at Kagyu Droden Kunchab, a Kalu Rinpoche center run by Lama Lodru Rinpoche. His Holiness also gave a brief address to and was ceremoniously greeted by a gathering of members of Palpung Lungtok Choling, a center of His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche, who received His Holiness at a San Francisco hotel. That night, His Holiness and his party made their way to Los Angeles.
並前往由喇嘛洛珠仁波切 主持隸屬於卡盧仁波切的傳承中心。法王給予一簡短開示並加持中心。 隨後,法王接受隸屬大司徒仁波切的傳承中心-八蚌教證法林的禮請,於舊金山一高級俱樂部給予中心義工及信眾們開示。當晚法王與隨行人員前 往洛杉磯。

In Los Angeles on Tuesday, His Holiness visited Universal Studios Hollywood. On Wednesday, His Holiness visited Disneyland and was hosted for dinner by Lama Wangchen Rinpoche and his students. At the dinner reception, a representative of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa read and presented His Holiness with an official statement from the Mayor welcoming His Holiness to Los Angeles.
星期二,法王噶瑪巴前往好萊塢環球影城。星期三,法王一行人前往全球知名的迪士尼樂園,當天晚上接受由喇嘛汪千仁波切和弟子們的晚宴邀請。在晚宴歡迎會中,洛杉磯市長Antonio Villairagosa親自讀誦並呈獻給法王一份正式官方聲明,表達他竭誠歡迎法王的到訪。

Bamboo:5月25日前的小视频,是Bamboo于2024年12月03日都剪好了的,到12月09日才开始 剪后面的视频,结果发现之后的都造假、篡改的厉害。也不知是自己电脑上的几个拷贝版都这段时间被整天盯着Bamboo的美妖给改了,还是DVD原版上就乱改了的。总之,后面的小视频只能不放了。(2024年12月10日)



上一篇:『美国行』科羅拉多 •「以覺心整治環境」开示
『US Tour』Colorado • Talks on「Healing the Environment Through the Mind of Enlightenment」