法王新闻 | 2022年04月



རྗེ་བཙུན་མི་བསྐྱོད་རྡོ་རྗེའི་རྣམ་ཐར། བདེ་བྱེད་མའི་དཔྱིད་ཆོས། ཉིན་དྲུག་པ།

時間:2022年04月01日 01st April, 2022 21:00-22:00(北京时间)
English text source from: Arya Kshema website

Setting the Record Straight

English Translation Audio

首先要问候大家好,今天是谶摩春季课程的第六天,这堂课主要会接续讲法王米觉多杰《妙行解脱传》当中的第十三个颂文。跟这个颂文有关的 就是米觉多杰有没有写下那篇批评宁玛派的文章。在之前课程中简单做过一个介绍。今天会针对米觉多杰的这样一个文章和回应澄清文,对于这个事件 再做一个总结。

接下来我要说的内容,在佛教史当中都有记载,但平常我们都比较少看佛教史,今天最主要就是为了让大家对佛教史提起一些兴趣,所以今天这堂课 当中,就多引用了佛教史当中的一些内容。但有时候讲多了,可能会无聊。我是不知道无不无聊,但我个人还是蛮有兴趣的。

■ 旧译密续——宁玛的源流
An historical overview of Nyingma Tantra

一般来说,藏传佛教有分为「前弘期」和「后弘期」。先不多说怎么分的,总之,后弘时期,当时有智光,还有菩提光等等,还有波张其光,大译师仁谦桑波, 还有硅谷巴拉泽,等人。这些人都写过驳斥密乘中“非正统的修持”等这样一些文章。
In the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition, there are two transmissions of the teachings —the Earlier or Ancient and the Later or New transmission [respectively Nyingma and Sarma]. During the Later transmission, the Dharma kings Yeshe Öd Jangchup Öd, and Podrang Shiwa Ö, the great translator Lochen Rinchen Sangpo, Gö Khukpa Lhetse and others wrote refutations of false mantras.

那什么叫做「驳斥密乘中非正统的修持」呢?当时就有一些人,说是在修持「宁玛」、在修持「密乘」,但是他们的行为却不是很正统、很清净。所以,当时就有很多人写了驳斥那些人不正统的修持密乘作为的一些文章。然而在当时,那些所谓「新密」、「旧密」——宁玛,的分类还不像现在那么清楚。所以,当时 驳斥主要的焦点在于,驳斥「双修」这些错误的密咒修持上。并不是否定整个「密乘」,而是错误的、不正统的修持。
This referred to the practice of secret mantra but specifically to situations where there were inappropriate usages of mantra. At that time, there was no clear distinction between the ancient and new tantra as there is now, and the main object of the refutation was those who engaged in false secret mantras of union, liberation, and so forth.

象这些错误的修持问题上,无论「新译密乘」,还是「旧译密乘」,是都会加以驳斥的。所以,这些文章严格来说,并不是在驳斥「宁玛派」,驳斥「旧译密乘」。 他们只是在驳斥密乘中非正统的修持。
They were not refuting secret mantra but rather refuting wrong uses of secret mantra in ancient [Nyingma] and New [Sarma] traditions. They were not objections to the Nyingma tradition.

阿底峡尊者来到了藏地,当时西藏最主要的寺庙就是桑耶寺。桑耶寺有个大图书馆,阿底峡尊者就见到了很多他在印度都没有见过的密法的梵本。 不是藏文,是梵文本。他就感到非常的惊讶。因为他是在印度的一位大师,竟然还有这么多他都没有见过的印度梵文典籍,竟然是在西藏的一座寺院 当中被他发现。所以,他当时真的很随喜历代的藏王,对于佛法的护持,对这些藏王非常的赞叹,说他们都是菩萨的化身。这样的一段故事,是记载于 阿底峡尊者的传记当中。这代表了什么?就是在桑耶寺当中,当时就有很多梵本——梵文的原典。
When Atisha came from India to Tibet [c.1042 CE], he visited Samye, the largest monastery in Tibet at that time. In the library there, he discovered many Sanskrit manuscripts of secret mantra dharma texts which he had never seen in India, even though he was the abbot of Vikramashila. He was amazed to find them in such a remote place and expressed delight at the achievement of the Tibetan Dharma kings, praising them highly and calling them bodhisattvas. This is evidence that a collection of secret mantra manuscripts existed in Pekar Kordzoling, the library at Samye.

再一段历史,就是之后,有一位厝朴译师,是很出名的一位翻译家。他也到了桑耶寺,他从桑耶寺当中,也找到了一个梵文原典,是哪部呢?就是《秘密藏续》。 这是宁玛派中,最重要依据的一部续典。然后,他透过别人辗转供养给了释迦礼荐,释迦礼荐看到这个梵本,就相信了宁玛派的依据原来就是这样一个续典啊! 就写下来一个「秘密藏成就法」,就是《庄严妙化》这部论典。现在这部论典比较少见了,应该是比较难见到。
Later, Tropu Lotsawa Jampa Pel [c.1172-1236 CE] found a Sanskrit manuscript of the Guhyagarbha Tantra, also in the library at Samye. This tantra is a most important Nyingma source text, so he sent it to Chomden Rikral, a renowned scholar who was very important in the compilation of the Kangyur and Tengyur. Having read it, Chomden Rikral accepted its authenticity and acknowledged that the Nyingma had an authoritative source. He wrote a text, the Guhyagarbha: A Practice Ornamented with Flowers.

另外在藏文里还有很多从印度文翻译过来的一些论典,其中一个就是众友仙人, 他所写的《佛制密集大疏》当中, 也曾很多次地引用到《秘密藏续》的内容。《佛制密集大疏》是印度的一位大师所写的,他也引用到了《秘密藏续》的内容。所以,这些都证明说《秘密藏续》 是过去印度就已经存在的。(Bamboo批:这些印度文翻译过来的,和桑耶寺收藏的梵文本并不都是佛教的典籍啊。
Further proof of its authenticity is found in the great Sanskrit commentary on the Buddhajñāna tradition of Guhyasamaja by Viśvamitra. This cites many quotations from the Guhyagarbha, proving that the Guhyagarbha Tantra existed in India before it came to Tibet.

His Holiness commented that some had pointed out four faults in this tantra:

i) “如是我说”,不会说“如是我闻”。
It uses the phrase ‘thus have I taught’ not the more usual ‘thus have I heard’.

ii) 再来,比较不会说“三时”,而是会说“四时”。
It says there are four times instead of three, which is also illogical.

iii) 会说“基础无量”。
The explanation that the ground is immeasurable is illogical.

iv) 「旧译密乘」——宁玛中,还会说,金刚萨埵是做为“坛城主”。这四点,会说是“不合理”的。
The principal deity of the mandala is Vajrasattva, which is inappropriate.

所以,很多人会批评「旧译密续」-宁玛派,是不正统,就说:有四点不合理。但是在「新译密续」也 会这么说,所以不能否定宁玛的正统性。(Bamboo批:‘如是我说’就代表密续的续典并不是从佛陀那里听闻来的,也就是‘非佛说’。
However, the Karmapa observed that the Sarma tantras also have similar explanations, so having these four faults does not prove that it is not authoritative.

再来,在「前弘期」的时候,之前也提到过,有几部重要的藏经目录。有《旁塘目录》《丹噶目录》等等。在《旁塘目录》当中,我们就会看到有「日光狮子」和「佛密」 《神变八部》,和他们所写的《秘密藏续》的注解。都被收录在《旁塘目录》当中。还有释迦礼荐翻译的对于“身、口、意”三续的变换,这样一部论,也被收录在《旁塘目录》和《丹噶目录》当中。所以很多的续典,你会看到都在「前弘期」被收录。 这也证明密续当时就有。
He gave further evidence in support of the authenticity of the Nyingma tantras. The Eight Classes of Illusion, and the commentaries on Guhyagarbha by Nyi Öd Sengge and Buddhagupta are listed in the Pantangma catalogue, one of the oldest Tibetan catalogues of sacred texts. This shows that many of the Nyingma texts were present during the early spread of the teachings to Tibet.

■ 旧译密续——宁玛的源流是否清净

再来,精通藏传大藏经的释迦礼荐,就曾经说:米地,还有大译师仁谦桑波,他们两人都曾经将「真实」跟「大圆满」相关的几部梵典翻译成藏文。这里提到的释迦礼荐 不止是一位大学者,他对于甘珠尔、丹珠尔大藏经特别的精通。他可以说是,在研究大藏经上非常重要的一位学者。
Pandita Smritijñāna and Lotsawa Rinchen Sangpo both translated Sanskrit works into Tibetan, as testified by Chomden Rikral, who had a vast and broad knowledge of the Kangyur and Tengyur.

再来,萨迦班智达也依据过梵本,翻译过一个《普巴金刚的根本续》。再一位塔译师•宁玛蒋采,也曾经说,他在尼泊尔,有见过「普巴金刚续」的梵本原典。 普巴金刚是宁玛派很重要的一个续典,所以,你会看到,这里提到的内容是印度以前就有的。
Similarly, the Sakya Pandita said that there was a root tantra of Vajrakilaya translated from Sanskrit, and Tarlo Nyima Gyaltsen also said he saw a Sanskrit manuscript of Vajrakilaya in Nepal. Therefore, it is possible to say that practices found in the Nyingma tradition were also present in ancient India.

之后,9世纪、10世纪,在敦煌就大量出土了很多的文献。有佛密所写的大圆满相关的文集,叫佩贝衮琼。同样,敦煌文献当中,也有一个《普巴金刚续的源流史》。 你会看到这些都是很好的研究的史料。如果我们对于这些资料不去加以研究,就妄下评断说:「宁玛的续典都是假的,宁玛是不正统」的话,这是不行的。
Hundreds of ancient Tibetan manuscripts were found hidden in the caves at Dunhuang. These manuscripts include an account of the origins of the Vajrakilaya tantra and a small collection of Dzogchen texts by Buddhagupta.Therefore, His Holiness concluded, it is not appropriate to dismiss the Nyingma tantras as false without thoroughly examining and researching the evidence.

一般我们说,宁玛派很重要就是『大圆满』,它有《心性》《法界》《诀窍》三部。虽然的确在印度是没有这样的说法,但是我们不能说:没有这样的说法,就没有这样的法。 为什么这么说呢?因为过去印度在修持密乘的时候,都是非常的秘密的。不像是现在,“修密啊!来来来,大家都...”到处的宣传、来学,这样子。就好像现在说, 要考试了,来,文殊灌顶!要做生意了、要投资了,来,给你财神灌顶!当然不是真的有这样做宣传,但现在很多灌顶、密法,都变成这样在传。以前,印度不是的。 是非常谨慎,非常小心给予这些密乘的法、密乘的灌顶。过去印度的密乘修持是非常秘密的,所以,当时没听说过这个法,不代表没有人在修习,也不代表没有那个法。(Bamboo批: 印度没有这样的说法,那这个说法是哪儿来的呢?总要有个出处吧,是谁编的,或者是苯教典籍或哪里抄来的,总要注明吧。)
The Dzogchen teachings on mind, space, and instructions were probably not widely known in India, but, as tantric practice in ancient India was taught in strict secrecy, that is not proof that they were completely non-existent in India or inauthentic.

还有,就像前面也提到过,阿底峡尊者,当时印度学习密教的第一学府,就是「超戒寺」,「超戒寺」的住持就是阿底峡尊者。而且他也是持有很多寺院的钥匙的人,换 句话说,他是管理很多寺院的人。也可以说,阿底峡尊者是印度当时对于密教最熟悉的一个人。结果他到了西藏的桑耶寺,开头谈到过,他竟然发现了很多印度 都没看到过的密乘典籍,不是翻译成藏文的,而是印度文的。他当时就说:“很有可能这些续典是不是由莲师用神通带到西藏的?真是不晓得怎么会有这么多。” 当时他就说:密法真的是无边啊!以前觉得自己对密乘还有一点点了解,后来真的是,他的傲慢也都被降伏了,觉得密法真的是无量无边那。有这样的一段记载。 所以,当时桑耶寺一定收藏了很多印度没有的各种密续典籍,还有大圆满的典籍。(Bamboo批:后来那些典籍去哪儿了?也被达赖五世抢到布达拉宫去了?
Vikramashila was the centre of Vajrayana tantras in ancient India and Atisha was the abbot. He had also been given the keys to other monasteries, so his knowledge of tantra was broad. However, when he was at Samye and saw so many Sanskrit Vajrayana texts that were not extant in India, he said it was miraculous, and that he had lost his pride in being learned in secret mantra. We need to reflect on this. From this account, we can deduce that at Samye at that time, there were many tantras and secret mantra texts as well as tantras on Dzogchen that were not extant in India.

但是,还有一些学者,他们会这样说:“宁玛——旧译密续的说法,和新译密续不同。”因此,说宁玛不正统。但是,我觉得这样说,也不合理。如果是这样的话,那么 密乘的说法,和显乘的说法也不同Bamboo批:显乘按佛陀的遗教,是要“依法不依人”,密乘把上师凌驾于三宝之上,要求“依人不依法”),不是吗?因此,就说:密乘不正统了呢?所以,真的是要小心, 如果不全面的、好好的去分析,就是想要去否定宁玛派的话,最后搞不好都会弄巧成拙,拿石头砸自己的脚一样。
Some later scholars argue the Nyingma tantras are incorrect because the explanations in the Nyingma tantras differ slightly from those of the Sarma, but based on that alone, it would be difficult to maintain that they are not valid. For example, the explanations in the tantra differ from those in the Prajnaparamita sutras, but we do not say they are invalid because of that. If we make objections without considering the issue from all angles, there is a danger that we will end up slapping ourselves in the face.



因为这个念头太强烈,Bamboo还是不由自主地想了想。觉得推背图的会发生世界大战,而特朗普摆出一副要跟中共打仗的样子,而拜登则跟中共关系很好,所以,Bamboo想,根据推背图应该是特朗普会选上吧。 但刚想完,另一个完全不属于自己的念头也在脑海升起:“黑猫、白猫都是我家的猫,放出来看谁更吸粉。”这应该是大宝提醒自己的念头,Bamboo也深以为然,即便特朗普本来不是,四年下来也早被驯服了。所以,Bamboo 打定主意,不去理会这个“家猫大选”。但没想到,几天之后,海外的中文各大媒体上,就放出了拜登儿子的电脑门事件,接着,所有的海外中文媒体都一边倒地报道拜登儿子和奥巴马女儿的丑闻,一边倒地力挺特朗普。

记得2018年12月25日,警察上门来查电脑时,其中一位警察微笑又自信地跟Bamboo说:“那个你海外反动媒体看来的‘佳士得工会事件’是假的。”结果,临走时,他竟然又问Bamboo:“你的网站是静态的,还是 动态的?”显然,他一个小民警根本不被允许看Bamboo的网站,那么就是上层让他转达,Bamboo从海外反共媒体上看来的新闻都是假的。事实上,Bamboo也觉得,中国的工会都是党领导的,哪可能发生什么 罢工事件呢?所以,那些海外的反共媒体,说白了,其实都是穿了马甲的王毅的大外宣。看看Bamboo在国外的遭遇,你觉得那些贪、嗔、痴如此旺盛,又拖家带口、要名要利、要钱吃饭的凡夫俗子们,谁能挡住“蓝、金、黄、药物加邪术”的一招半式呢? 本来不是,也早被驯服了。



后来,拜登当选后,土共这边的秘密掌权人,整天怕美国来打,怕到据说把全国三百七十多座水电站都给炸了,这不就是“弄巧成拙,搬起石头砸自个的脚”吗?Bamboo可啥事都没干过,这帮把 藏传邪术当成《葵花宝典》的政权大佬们,拼命‘自宫’后还能怪谁呢?这种事还发生了不止一次,懒得多说了,最后都是一笑话。所以,这帮人就跟Bamboo的父亲生前评价Bamboo的母亲那样“眼睛总盯着别人”。 藏传搞密术这帮人就是这样,别的什么都不会,整天搞“念头操控术”、“读心术”、还有“幻术”,修这些东西,就是为了去控制别人,通过坑别人,来让自己存活。你说这些是佛法吗?

能在拉萨帮土共当局公然整蛊人,又深受当局信赖的,想来也非宁玛派色达五明佛学院莫属了。Bamboo在五明佛学院住过一礼拜,遇到一位汉族阿尼的母亲,跟Bamboo说:上师的话不能违背,她女儿有一次,怎么也不想待下去, 一定要回老家,去跟索达吉堪布以及益西彭措请假,两人都不准。于是,她女儿就不顾一切自个跑出去坐车想回家,结果这辆车还出事了,吓得她女儿从此再也不敢提回家的事了。所以,这位有退休金的老人就 跑来五明佛学院,陪她女儿待在这里了。这位老太并没说车子出了什么事,不过Bamboo想:“一次走不成,可以下次或下下次再走,法术不是次次都灵验的。” 那些阿尼在五明佛学院学习,都是靠着 家人供养的,不想待,为什么不能走呢?

连佛的神通都不敌“因果业力”,何况这些外道小法术了。你达赖集团和海外藏传密术团队,配合中美政权在墨西哥整蛊了Bamboo整整一年多,啥心理术、密术应该都使尽了吧,Bamboo可是个啥密法都不会,只学了个”四共加行“的 小哈巴狗哦,却至今还在那儿耍嘴皮子。跟各国政权合作了半天,想踩死大宝和Bamboo的达赖政权倒是把自己香港和台湾的钞票根据地都丢光了。

■ 历史记录的重要性

所以,一般来说,当我们要评判一个法脉是否正统,它的来源是否清净,只是靠上述的一些解释,其实还不够,我觉得还是要用考古学的基础才可以的,或者历史研究为基础才可以的。这也是之前课程我提到过,我真的是有很深的感触, 所以我一直在提到,是什么呢?就是古代的印度人真的不太注重历史,他们只在乎眼前发生的事情。他们就觉得说,眼前发生的事干嘛要写下来,“我今天吃了什么,然后我几点睡觉”,他们可能会觉得这一点意义都没有。但是现在可能 觉得没有意义的事情,后代人来讲,可能是很重要的事情。古代印度人,他们只在乎眼前发生的事,没有考虑到为后代人留下什么样的记录,所以,真的别说其他的,就连佛陀,释迦牟尼佛,他的出生年月日都说不清楚,现在还有各种说法, 还有辩论。
Primarily, whether a dharma lineage is valid and whether its sources are reliable depends greatly on whether there is a clear, logical history of its origins. Generally, ancient Indians saw little point in making a written record of what they had seen with their own eyes. They took little interest in history. Consequently, it is difficult to even determine when the Buddha was born and died. Even those dates are disputed, and the lack of a written record even raises a further doubt about whether the Buddha actually existed.

从这一点来看,藏传佛教还算好一些,就是从历史记载上来说,藏传佛教「前弘期」文献还是比较稀少的,主要当时藏地的一些分裂、战乱,还是有一段时间历史是空白的,不短的一段时间历史是空白的。所以要研究宁玛派- 旧译密续,还是很困难的。
In comparison, Tibet was a little better, but historical documents from the time of the Ancient transmission are scarce. There was a period of time when Tibet became fragmented, and the history is a blank. This creates great difficulties for researchers into the history of the Nyingma Ancient Translation school.

举个例子,符合一般人认知的「莲师的传记」来说,有吗?有的,有一个,就是多罗那他撰写的《甲噶玛》(Bamboo:不知道哪几个字),这就是符合一般人认知的莲师的传记。除了多罗那他所写的,其他的传记大多是「伏藏」。那些伏藏「莲师的传记」 当中的说法和看法都不一致。一般我们会说,莲师去过哪里的说法,也都是各有各的说法。有说他只去过卫藏;有的说还去过南方不丹、上下多康,甚至说全藏区他都去过。就连莲师到底在西藏住了多久,几个月、几年等等,这个说法也不同。而且每个不同的说法都很难去跟真正的历史年表对的上,都对不上。
The Karmapa Guru Rinpoche as an example. The only namthar of Guru Rinpoche which takes the perceptions of ordinary people as a basis is the one written by Taranātha. The others are mostly terma [revelations], and they contain differences in their accounts. Guru Rinpoche is said to have gone not only to Ütsang (Central Tibet) but to Bhutan, Amdo, Kham, and everywhere in Tibet, even the most minor place: “There is no place he didn’t set foot…” Even regarding how long he spent in Tibet, many things are difficult to fit with the dates of dynasties and so forth.

For that reason, we need to distinguish between common and uncommon namthar, compare dates with the reigns of kings, and use modern research techniques. His Holiness said he viewed it as an essential thing to do.

还有一个桑吉耶谢撰写的《禅定目炬》,我觉得这也是要好好去研究的,因为这部论典当中,他写了很多‘摩诃衍’、‘禅宗’,还有‘大圆满’相关的内容,因为藏族很多人对于‘摩诃衍’跟‘禅宗’有很多的误解,如果你们好好看这部论的话, 是不仅能够消除历史上对于摩诃衍跟禅宗的误解,而且能够对于‘禅宗’跟‘大圆满’之间的差别是什么,会有一个了解。还有‘大圆满’思想是怎么发展的,你会有一个认识。所以是一个非常有价值的一部著作,值得关注跟研究。 研究这部论的时候,首先,作者桑吉耶谢,他到底是什么年代的人,有不同的说法,但我觉得比较合理的是,巴廓赞王的时期,各位有识之士再做研究,细节就不多讲。
Many Tibetans have misunderstandings about the difference between the views of Zen and Dzogchen and the development of the Dzogchen view. In this context, the Lamp for Dhyana by Nup Sangye Yeshe is a crucial text. It contains invaluable material on the Chinese Huashang or Zen tradition and also contains a lot of material on the Dzogchen practice. Nup Sangye Yeshe’s dates still have to be determined, but the Karmapa suggested the most logical was that he was a contemporary of King Ngadak Palkhor Tsen.

总之,我们从过去历史上看,对于「旧译密续」——宁玛派一直是多有批判的。我觉得一方面来说,这是好的,能够帮助到‘教法’能够正本清源,也帮助到自宗的思想和修持的厘清,而且也帮助到很多历史真相的整理和还原,我觉得是有正面意义的。 因此,与其说是摒弃那些批评的文字,把它说成‘这是不好的,是不详之兆’,还不如把这些人家的批评当成是一个可以学习,可以研究的素材。我觉得反而会有更多的收获,会更好。
Historically, there were many objections to the Nyingma dharma. Some were in order to rectify corruption in the texts, some led to an understanding of a particular philosophy and practice, and others were to clarify history and events. So from one angle, they had a positive influence. Thus, instead of reacting to these objections to the Nyingma as something to be discarded or as inauspicious, the Karmapa thought it was more beneficial to take them as the basis for study and research.

总之,讲回到我们这次的主题,就是之前课程有提到过的,给大家看一下,就是「噶玛巴九百年纪念活动」的时候,当时,我们有出版过米觉多杰批评宁玛那篇文章的回应的著作,当时是那澜陀的竹庆本乐仁波切他们出版的,在纪念噶玛巴九百年 活动上有出版的。
The Karmapa began by showing the front cover of a book containing thoughts on the objections to the Nyingma, which was published as part of the “Karmapa 900” commemoration.



རྒྱལ་དབང་མི་བསྐྱོད་རྡོ་རྗེ་ལ་མདོ་སྔགས་ཀྱི་གཞུང་འགྲེལ་ལ་སོགས་པའི་གསུང་རྩོམ་མང་པོ་ཡོད་པ་དེས། ཁོང་ནང་པ་སངས་རྒྱས་པའི་ལྟ་གྲུབ་དང་ཉམས་ལེན་ལ་ཐུགས་སྣང་ཆེན་པོ་ཡོད་པ་དང་། དེ་ཚོའི་སྐོར་ལ་ཁོང་རང་གི་གཟིགས་ཚུལ་སམ་བཞེད་ཚུལ་དམིགས་བསལ་ཡོད་པ་ཞིག་མཚོན། 法王米觉多杰撰写了很多显、密相关的著作,他是一个对于佛法的思想和修持都非常地投入,而且他还有自己独到的见解。།

རྙིང་མའི་དགག་ཡིག་གམ་དྲི་བ་དེ་མི་བསྐྱོད་རྡོ་རྗེས་མཛད་མ་མཛད་ཀྱི་སྐོར་ལ་སྔོན་ལ་ཐག་གཅོད་བྱེད་མི་སྔ་བར། རྒྱབ་ལྗོངས་ཀྱི་གནས་ཚུལ་དང་རྒྱུ་མཚན་བསམ་བློ་གཏོང་རྒྱུ་དེ་གལ་ཆེན་པོ་རེད། 对于那篇批评宁玛派的文章,先不下定论,它到底是或不是米觉多杰所写的。最重要的是,思考和了解这整个事件的背景情况和原因。།


之前课程中有提到,第八世法王他撰写了很多显、密相关的著作。这说明了什么呢?说明米觉多杰他是一个对于佛法的思想和修持都非常地投入,而且他还有自己独到的见解,这样的一个人,也因此他的学习、还有研究,不会像是有些人他的学习跟修持都局限在某位上师的口诀、教言上。 法王米觉多杰他的学习跟修持,还有研究是面向着整体的佛教经论,可以说他是佛教经论这方面的专家。
Karmapa Mikyö Dorje wrote many works, including commentaries on sutra and tantra. This shows that he had a great interest in Buddhist philosophy and practice and that he had his own particular viewpoint. Because of this, he was not someone who was fooled into thinking that there was a slim book called “the gurus pith instructions.” Instead, he was someone who worked hard to study all the great texts in the Kangyur and Tengyur and was very familiar with the entire Buddhist corpus.

所以,讲到这些所谓专家、学者,一般来说,他们对于不同的思想、流派、不同的法门,他们都会有各自不同的看法,不同的见解,所以,学者、专家之间也会提出质疑,然后进行讨论, 还有相互的指正,这在学术界来看,是很习以为常的一件事情。这种相互辩论的方式,不是只有在佛教,古今中外、东西方,各个领域的专家、学者,都是用这种方式在进行研究和讨论的。因此,像第八世法王米觉多杰这样的一位‘著作等身’、这么丰富显、密著作的学者来说,会有这样子的 辩、,学术上的讨论,都是再平常不过了,总之,我们对于那篇批评宁玛派的文章,先不急着对它下定论,先不下定论,它到底是或不是米觉多杰所写的,先不急着下定论。我觉得最重要的是什么呢?我们要先了解一下这整个事件的一些背景情况,还有整个事件背后的一些事实,这些是我们要 先去思考和了解的。
Because scholars and researchers hold different philosophies and religious traditions, there are often differences in thought and perspective. Raising doubts and objections, making corrections and adjustments, and engaging in discussion are the methods used by everyone who engages in the study of philosophy. This is how scholars work, not just in Buddhism, in both East and West. For someone such as Mikyö Dorje, who was a scholar and the author of many commentaries, it goes without saying that he would raise doubts and objections for discussion.

■ 米觉多杰的个性

When discussing whether or not Mikyö Dorje wrote the letter objecting to the Nyingma, before determining anything, it is essential to consider the background situation and reasons. Just looking at the colophon which states he’s the author is not sufficient. Although the Karmapa had already examined this issue previously in the teaching, he said that it was necessary to look at it from many different angles.



གཤམ་ལ་ངའི་ངོས་ནས་རྒྱུ་མཚན་འགའ་ཞིག་མཐོང་བ་རྣམས་ངོ་སྤྲོད་ཞུ་རྒྱུ་ཡིན། 以下是我个人的一些看法

1. ཁོང་གི་ཐུགས་གཤིས་དང་། དེ་མིན་གནས་སྟངས་མང་པོ་ཞིག་ལ་བརྟེན་ནས་རྙིང་མའི་དགག་ཡིག་དེ་ཁོང་གིས་མཛད་པ་མ་ཡིན་པའི་ཕྱོགས་ལ་རྒྱུ་མཚན་ཆེ་བ་ཡོད། 从他个性来看,很多事实都偏向于‘否定那篇文章是法王所写’。

2. ཕྱིས་བྱོན་གྱི་མཁས་པ་མང་པོས་མི་བསྐྱོད་རྡོ་རྗེས་བརྩམས་པ་ལྟར་བྱས་ནས་ལན་འབྲི་དགོས་དོན་གང་རེད་ཟེར་ན། རྒྱུ་མཚནགཙོ་བོ་དེ་ནི་མི་བསྐྱོད་རྡོ་རྗེའི་དགག་ལན་དེ་ཉིད་མ་གཟིགས་པས་ལན་པ་རེད་དྲན་གྱི་འདུག། 为什么后来还是有那么多大德会反驳米觉多杰写的批评宁玛派的文章?我觉得最主要的原因是没看到米觉多杰那篇澄清的声明。


首先,第一部分,我觉得这跟他的个性、性格有关。这篇文章是法王46岁的时候出现的,就是那篇批评宁玛的文章,冒充他的名字所写的那篇文章。不久 之后,法王就亲自声明说,这不是他写的,他就写了另外一篇著作。但是,很多人可能也会说,就算法王说不是他写的,我们也很难就此断定真实情况 就是这样子。就像是一句话说:“言为心生”这个成语说的是一样的。 就算法王说,不是他写的,我们也不应该那么快就下定论,真实情况就是这样。所以,我们必须要看得再深入一点, 就像是成语说“言为心生”,我们应该再去看一下法王的性格、他的个性,再去看是不是他所写的。
The letter of objections appeared when Mikyö Dorje was about forty-six years old, and he wrote his response shortly after. In the response, he denied writing the letter and responded to its questions. However, some people did not accept his denial. As the saying goes, “Words follow the wish to speak,” so we need to consider the author’s character before we decide whether he would have written it or not.

首先其中一个原因是,就讲到米觉多杰那时候是,就我个人对于法王米觉多杰的一个了解,也不敢说百分之百的认识他,但是就我个人的一些了解,法王对于萨迦、格鲁、噶举、宁玛,无论哪一个教派,他是都会提出质疑和嘲讽的。而且,也不用我多说,在座很多的僧众们,你们也都看过 他的著作,他的著作中,都可以看到,他的这种直言不讳,尤其对于宁玛派的看法,在他撰写有一部叫做《辩法与非法论》,收录在米觉多杰的文集中,写道:“大圆满所说的见解和对于宗派的分类,从未在佛教当中看到过。还有透过按压双眼等等来现证光明的说法, 也非正统。藏地除了阿底峡尊者从大昭寺的柱子取出的伏藏,其他伏藏没有一个是可信的,没有一个是真实的。”这是米觉多杰著作中有这样写。
His Holiness said that he had a degree of familiarity with Karmapa Mikyö Dorje’s work and saw him as someone who habitually raised questions about the philosophy of the Sakya, Geluk, Kagyu, and Nyingma and always engaged in a lot of dialectical debate. He clearly writes about his own views and thoughts concerning other traditions in his various works, without concealing or holding anything back. In particular, regarding the Nyingma, he wrote in his Words Distinguishing Dharma from Non-dharma that the view taught in Dzogchen and the division of the philosophical schools was not generally accepted among Buddhists; that methods of manifesting luminosity by squeezing the two eyes and so forth were not valid; and that other than the terma Atisha extracted from a pillar in the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, the termas revealed in Tibet were not authoritative.

在他另外一个著作《甲敦遁世者问答录》中,法王针对一个问题说:“莲师在五个方面比佛陀还殊胜,因此莲师传承是完全正确无误的吗?”这样的一个问题,法王的回答是:“是有这样的说法,但这是‘不了义’,不是‘了义’,只是暂时的、权宜的一个说法而已。” 然而,不能因为看到我们上面这些法王的说法,就断定说,法王是不喜欢其他教派,或者说他不喜欢宁玛派的。只可以说,法王米觉多杰只是对于其他的思想和看法,做出了回应,说出了自己不同的看法而已,他并不是要说出一个定论。所以,仔细去看他的 著作,你也可以看出这一点的。
Similarly, in the Dialog with Gyatön Jadralwa, which was a response to the statement that Guru Rinpoche was superior to the Buddha in five ways, so there could be no faults in the lineage of his disciples. Mikyö Dorje argued that the scriptures which said this about Guru Rinpoche were speaking figuratively and not definitively. That alone is not evidence that he disliked other schools and, in particular, the Nyingma. He was expressing his own opinion on various different philosophies and schools. He was not claiming this to be an absolute, as we can tell from his other works.

It was Mikyö Dorje’s character to be very direct and blunt. He was unable to hide whatever he thought; he probably couldn’t help himself, and spoke out directly. He accepted that he said whatever came to mind, and his student, Pawo Tsuglak Trengwa, confirmed this. It was his character.

所以我想,一方面就是他的个性使然吧, 另外一方面,就是他身为一个‘学者’,这样的一种性格。就是他学者的性格,只要发现问题,他就觉得应该要去批判,一定要说出来。所以无论如何,法王米觉多杰我们没有办法否认的就是,法王米觉多杰的确对于噶举内部或其他的教派,他都有提出 过质疑、驳斥和嘲讽,我没办法说,他没有。事实上,也不需要去否认,他有驳斥跟嘲讽过其他教派,不需要去否认这一点。但是,也不能因为这样,就断定那一篇批评宁玛、针对宁玛、攻击宁玛的那篇文章是他写的。为什么这么说呢?
Also, he was a very logical thinker who could easily spot a fault and then would speak out. In this context, it is true that he did raise objections to the Kagyu and other schools. We cannot deny that. But to use those objections as a basis for believing he also wrote the letter objecting to the Nyingma is not reasonable because the letter objecting to the Nyingma was written with malicious intent specifically against the Nyingma.

因为这样一篇用提问的方式,从头到尾完全是在批评、攻击宁玛派的那样一篇文章,以法王的智慧和经验,他一定知道,如果这样的一篇文章,一旦在藏地传开,它的严重性会有多大,会造成的影响和观感会有多大,他一定是知道的。因此,我不认为 在这种情况之下,他会不顾任何后果的,还执意写下那样一篇文章。我不认为他会!
Because of the breadth of his experience, if Mikyö Dorje had written that letter, he would have known how people would react. As he understood clearly the pros and cons of writing such a letter, there seems no logical reason for him to have written it.

Apart from the colophon, there is no other evidence to support the view that he wrote it.

另外,大家也都知道,前面也讲过,法王是一个很有个性的上师。而且,他绝对是一个在思想上、见解上,是一个敢说、敢言、敢做、敢当的一个人(Bamboo批:这话好像说的是英明神武的Bamboo,跟那个缩头乌龟米觉多杰有啥搭嘎了。不过大宝一向说的都是反话)。所以,如果真的是他写了那样一篇批评 宁玛派的文章,他写的,他一定会承认。从他个性来看,如果是他写的,他一定会承认的。
Mikyö Dorje was a confident scholar, able to mount arguments and explain philosophical thought. In his other writings, he makes objections. If he had actually written those objections to the Nyingma, he would have admitted it.

再一个原因是,从另外一个角度来看,在米觉多杰之前,我们看到有很多的大师,像萨迦班智达等等。这些大师都是很出名的,会‘驳斥他宗’的大师,不是只有一位,有很多位。所以,惯例是什么呢?首先,驳斥对方之后,如果对方反驳的话, 自己就会再做出回应,是有这样的一个惯例的。(Bamboo批:按照惯例,米觉多杰写‘回应文’,等于间接承认了前一篇文章是他写的。)
Prior to Mikyö Dorje, many other scholars, such as the Sakya Pandita, made well-known, strong criticisms of other schools. There was a tradition amongst Tibetan scholars of the different schools of vigorous back-and-forth criticism.

Mikyö Dorje himself once asked the Sera Jetsun to critique his work for him.

这样来看,他敢写下那样一篇文章,就是批评宁玛这样一篇文章,结果却不敢承认,这实在说不过去,不太合理。而且,也不至于在写完那篇批评宁玛的文章没过多久之后,就否认他自己写了那样一篇文章。总之,从不同的角度来看,基本上我们 可以发现跟确认的就是,很多事实都是偏向于‘否定那篇文章是法王米觉多杰所写的’,所以他也之后又写了另外一份文字。(Bamboo批:被大宝这么一分析,很多事实都偏向于是米觉多杰所写,怪不得教内外的大师都没怀疑过不是他写的了。因为米觉多杰本来就是个喜欢学那些大师去到处驳斥,一旦被骂,就马上当缩头乌龟的人。)
Within that context, it seems that if he had written such a criticism of the Nyingma, he would not have denied it.Not long after the letter appeared, Mikyö Dorje denied that he wrote it.

但是,好吧,再退一步来说吧。如果批评宁玛的文章真的是他写的,我们退一步来看,我们可以来想一下,他写完之后,米觉多杰他听到、或者他受到别人的驳斥之后,他应该会再补写一篇文章,仔细去回应别人对他的提问,对自己的观点他会做更细微的解释, 这样才是对宁玛派更好,不然会是有伤害的。
If he had written it, the denial seems pointless. He wrote an in-depth response to the objections, which suggests clearly that he was not their author. He carefully analysed each of the questions and answered them in great detail. The particular explanations he gave were probably of greater help to the Nyingma teachings than harm, the Karmapa suggested.

However, it seems that, in spite of this, later. most Kagyus and followers of the Nyingma spread the idea that the Eighth Karmapa had objected to the Nyingma, and had no knowledge of Mikyö Dorje’s refutation of the objections. Consequently, the controversy has lasted several hundred years. Primarily, this demonstrates that the followers have not taken on responsibility for their teachers.


Bamboo评论:说到宁玛密术,Bamboo还真的见识过。2015年,大宝美国行的最后一站是西雅图,美国行只有各主办方的会员能够觐见法王,所以西雅图的课程结束后, 听说法王还没有回印度,Bamboo就只能从市中心上课的地点徒步走了一夜,来到位于市郊的竹庆本乐仁波切的那澜陀佛学院,说佛学院其实也是他和他家人的住宅。白天时来问过,佛学院雇的几个俄罗斯白人 一脸凶恶和不耐烦地直接赶人,说:“法王已经走了,不在这里。”所以,乘着夜色悄悄过来。大概是凌晨四点左右,佛学院的两三栋小楼里,有一间有着微弱的灯光。大宝一定知道Bamboo会过来,所以不会睡觉。

于是心里默想着:“如果您在里面的话,就打碎一个杯子,让Bamboo听到。”等了一下,没有声音,正失望地离开,突然,“嘎啦”一声,就似杯子打碎的声音,Bamboo一惊回头,原来是一个妇女打开门,探头出来看了一下, 可那开门声,怎么那么像杯子打碎的声音啊!于是,就在佛学院斜对街的马路上,盘腿坐下来等。


Bamboo无处可去,见不到大宝,也不敢再回国,因为父母说,这是最后一次让Bamboo来见大宝。于是,夜夜坐在这个街口,遥望大宝住的那栋小楼。一天傍晚,佛学院里一个白人工作人员过来,拿了一根红绳,说是 大宝法王的加持绳,让Bamboo戴上,保护一下自己。Bamboo说,我已经有很多了(达兰萨拉公共觐见时,每次都发一根,Bamboo后来都不要了),但那人硬塞给Bamboo就走了。

Bamboo想,这些人哪那么好心呢!仁波切的那澜陀佛学院是在一个十字路口的一边,它的正对面是一个中国武馆,里面的白人教官后来表演过一套拳给Bamboo看过,非常有柔劲,很有功底,就是不知道是中国的什么 拳法。Bamboo没钱,也不是那块料,就没报名学。晚上,武馆没人,Bamboo就把这根红绳挂在武馆门口的石狮子的耳朵上。然后继续到佛学院斜对面的街口打坐。



竹庆本乐仁波切是宁玛派的,所以,这应该就是正宗的宁玛密术。你们觉得这种土著巫术是佛法吗?是佛说吗?当然,法是没有好、坏的,就如同刀子可以伤人,也可以切菜。只是看人 用这些法来干好事,还是干坏事。这就是佛教和外道的真正区别。

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中文翻译 第六天总
English translation Day 6
