法王新闻 | 2008年05月

『美国行』加利福尼亚州 • 访问香巴噶举中心

『US Tour』California • Visited Kagyu Monasteries at San Francisco


时间:2008年5月26日 Monday, May 26, 2008
地點:美國 加利福尼亚州 旧金山 San Francisco, California, U.S.

From Monday, May 26, through Wednesday, May 28, His Holiness Karmapa visited two of the state of California’s most famous cities as part of a rest and recreation segment of his historic first visit to the United States.
2008年5月26~28日, 法王噶瑪巴前往加州兩座最有名的城市訪問,在這次歷史性訪美之旅的緊湊行程中,是法王唯一一段屬於私人的休閒時間。

On Monday, His Holiness briefly swept through San Francisco, giving a short teaching and blessings at Kagyu Droden Kunchab, a Kalu Rinpoche center run by Lama Lodru Rinpoche.

His Holiness also gave a brief address to and was ceremoniously greeted by a gathering of members of Palpung Lungtok Choling, a center of His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche, who received His Holiness at a San Francisco hotel.

That night, His Holiness and his party made their way to Los Angeles.


"Karmapa In America" by Karmapa Foundation DVD

Bamboo评论:奇怪的是,访问完这个“香巴噶举中心”后,美国国务院派的那几个高级保镖就消失了。竹庆本乐仁波切就立刻把那个大宝根本不承认,也不让近身的“法王姐姐” 给塞到了大宝身边。(2024年12月09日)

上一篇:『美国行』科羅拉多 •「以覺心整治環境」开示
『US Tour』Colorado • Talks on「Healing the Environment Through the Mind of Enlightenment」